The InsightCM Server requires configuration and maintenance to ensure its functionality, accessibility, and performance.

  • Configuring InsightCM–Manage the settings of your InsightCM server that enable web client accessibility, security, and expandability.

  • Maintaining InsightCM–Optimize your system by managing packages and configuring an aging strategy for data.

Configuring InsightCM

Manage the settings of your InsightCM server that enable web client accessibility, security, and expandability.

Before you begin, upgrade to InsightCM 3.8.5 on your server machine.

Complete the following tasks to ensure that your system is accessible, secure, and complete.

  1. Open Required Ports–Open required network communication ports to access the web application and to initiate data collection.

  2. Enable and Require SSL Connections–Configure your settings to require a secure connection to access the web application.

  3. Integrate InsightCM with Windows Active Directory–Integrate InsightCM with your Windows Active Directory to require users to log in with Windows account credentials.

  4. Create Roles and Assign Permissions–Manage roles with differing levels of permission for editing or accessing your InsightCM system.

  5. Learn about and Configure Historian SoftwareLearn how InsightCM Server can connect to data historians with the purchase, activation, and enablement of the Enterprise Gateway option.

  6. Configure Your Server FleetConfigure your server fleet by modifying the .json file that installed to your server with InsightCM.

  7. Define a Transceiver–Configure your server fleet by modifying the .json file that installed to your server with InsightCM.

Opening Required Ports for Communication

Open required network communication ports to access the web application and to initiate data collection.

Before you begin, install InsightCM on your machine.

Open required ports to access the web application. Without opening the necessary ports, you cannot configure your assets and devices or begin data collection.


The installer attempts to open these ports for you.

Complete the following steps to open the ports according to your monitoring needs.

  1. Review the following table of ports and the details provided for each to determine which ports you need to unlock.






    TCP (outbound)

    Application Image Deployment



    TCP (inbound)

    HTTP Web Application

    Not required if enabling connection to the web application via SSL.


    TCP (inbound)

    HTTPS Web Application

    Only required if enabling connection to the web application via SSL.


    TCP (outbound)

    Application Image Deployment



    UDP (inbound)

    InsightCM Device Communication

    Used to find devices on the server's subnet. Only affects the functionality of the "Browse" button when adding devices.


    TCP (inbound)

    InsightCM Internal Service Communication

    Only necessary if using the SDK to communicate with the server from another device.


    TCP (inbound)

    InsightCM Device Web Service

    Retrieves device information relating to hardware, system health, and connection. Also, sends commands, such as reboot, to the device.


    TCP (outbound)

    InsightCM Device Communication

    Sends measurement and system data from a device to the server.

    *Configurable through IIS

    **Configurable through InsightCM

  2. Open the necessary ports.

    • Contact your IT department about opening the necessary ports.

    • Using Windows Firewall Inbound and Outbound rules, allow the following program to communicate:

      lkads.exe, installed at C:\Windows\SysWOW64

Now that you have opened the necessary ports to access the web application, secure your web application by enabling and requiring SSL connections.

Generating an API Key

Create an API key to enable access to InsightCM data services.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Options.

  2. Scroll down to Security and click Web API Keys.

  3. Click New to generate a new API key.


    The key you generate is not editable.

  4. Copy the API key and save it in a text editor for reference later.


    The key cannot be viewed again once you close the Copy Api Key dialog. Save the key in a text editor for reference later as needed.

  5. Delete a Web API Key

Use the API key you generated to enable secure access to InsightCM data services from your API.

Accessing InsightCM Data Services Using HTTP API

Access your InsightCM data services in your preferred programming language using the HTTP API.

Before you begin, generate an API key.

Cutsforth recommends enabling Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) or Transport Layer Security (TLS) before proceeding to ensure that the key is encrypted as it is passed over the network.

  1. Use the following web service API to connect to InsightCM programmatically and acquire data. All endpoints return a JSON string.






    Get all the equipment asset nodes and their parents.



    Get all the descendants of an asset node.



    Get the asset collection version.




    Get data events for an asset.




    Get trend points.



    Get data sets.



    Get archived data sets.



    Get active alarms.

  2. Provide the API key as an HTTP Authorization header in your code. Refer to the examples below for how this can be done in C# and Python.

  3. Confirm that you can successfully call InsightCM data services by passing the URL of your InsightCM Server and the API key in the Command Line Interface (CLI) or in the interface for your application.

Example 1. C# and Python Examples

Providing the API Key in C#

var client = new HttpClient();
client.BaseAddress = new Uri(address);
client.DefaultRequestHeaders.Authorization = 
new AuthenticationHeaderValue("Api-Key", key);

var response = await client.GetAsync("IcmApi.svc/assets");

Providing the API Key in Python

connection = http.client.HTTPConnection(address)
headers = {"Authorization": "Api-Key {0}".format(key)}
startTs = int(( - timedelta(days=1)).timestamp())
connection.request("GET", "/IcmApi.svc/dataEvents/
{0}?startTs={1}".format(asset["Id"], startTs), headers = headers)
response = connection.getresponse()
if response.status != 200:
    raise Exception("Request failed with status {0}".format(response.status))

InsightCM 3.10 REST API Changes

Data Event Endpoint Changes

The /IcmApi.svc/data-event/{dataEventId} and /IcmApi.svc/data-event-archived/{assetNodeId}?ts={ts} API methods have been removed. Replacing them are two new methods:

  1. /IcmApi.svc/data-event/data-set/{monitorId}/{dataSetId}?ts={ts}

    • This method returns a single data set from a given data event.

  2. /IcmApi.svc/data-event/trend-points/{monitorId}?ts={ts}

    • This method returns all trend point values collected with a given data event.

Both of these methods will retrieve archived and un-archived data.

Both of these methods require a monitor ID to retrieve data. A monitor represents a data collection technology (e.g., vibration, ESA, IR) for a equipment node. Monitor information can be found on equipment (asset) nodes returned from the /IcmApi.svc/assets method. Here's an example of an equipment node with a vibration monitor and an ESA monitor:

    "Type": "Equipment",
    "Name": "My Equipment",
    "Mappings": [
            "Id": "64e55ca0-2d29-4c3e-bd40-3cab4b17f129",
            "Type": "Esa",
            "DeviceId": null,
            "Properties": {},
            "Disabled": false
            "Id": "f87cddd9-80c7-4dec-bca7-5f33a3a3b584",
            "Type": "Vibration",
            "DeviceId": null,
            "Properties": {
                "VibrationType": "cms",
                "SpeedReferenceType": "FixedSpeed",
                "NominalSpeed": "1800"
            "Disabled": false

Monitor IDs can also be found on the data events returned from the /IcmApi.svc/data-events/{assetId} API method.

    "Id": "{9F295B29-625E-11EF-8FC0-00802F23CB60}",
    "AssetNodeId": "66c3a34a9188103f2ea13836",
    "MonitorId": "f87cddd9-80c7-4dec-bca7-5f33a3a3b584",
    "Timestamp": 1724447999000,
    "Properties": {
    "DataSetReferences": [
            "SensorId": "66c3a34a9188103f2ea13839",
            "DataSetId": "{9F2A51E7-625E-11EF-8FC0-00802F23CB60}",
            "DataSetType": "Waveform"
            "SensorId": "66c3a3569188103f2ea1383b",
            "DataSetId": "{9F2B2607-625E-11EF-8FC0-00802F23CB60}",
            "DataSetType": "Waveform"

The new /IcmApi.svc/data-event/data-set API method also requires a data set ID. Data set IDs can be found in the DataSetReferences array of the data events returned from the /IcmApi.svc/data-events/{assetId} API method, as shown in the example above.

Trend Point Object Changes

The trend point object returned from the /IcmApi.svc/trend-points/{trendId} and /IcmApi.svc/data-event/trend-points/{monitorId}?ts={ts} API methods has changed in InsightCM 3.10.

The trend point object no longer contains the DataEventId property or the Properties object.

The trend point object now contains an Status integer bitflag property which represents certain metadata about the trend point. Below is a table showing what each bit position represents:

Bit position


0 (least significant)



Alarm severity


Alarm transitioned


Operating state

Cameras Endpoint Removed

The /IcmApi.svc/cameras API method has been removed.

Cameras are now represented by asset nodes, so they can be retrieved through the /IcmApi.svc/asset-subtree/ API method.

Enabling SSL Connections

Enable Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) connections for access to the web application.

Before you begin, create or provide an SSL certificate.

By default, users do not need to access the web application via an SSL connection. However, as of version 3.8.5 and newer, an SSL certificate will need to be added to the web server configuration for the HTPPS site to function.

Once an SSL certificate has been created or provided, complete the following steps to enable SSL connections to the web application.

  1. Open the Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager application from the Windows start menu.

  2. In the Connections tree, expand the asset representing the server.

  3. Expand Sites and select InsightCM.

  4. In the Actions pane, click Bindings.

  5. In the Site Bindings dialog box, select the https item and click the Edit button.

  6. Select an SSL certificate you created.

  7. Click OK in the Edit Site Binding dialog box and then click Close to return to IIS Manager.

Users can now access the web application via the following URLs: //serverDNSHostname and https://serverIpAddress. However, users are still able to access the web application through non-SSL (HTTP) connections.

Now that you have enabled SSL connections, require SSL connections (see Requiring SSL Connections).

Requiring SSL Connections

Require users to connect to the web application using HTTPS.

Before you begin, enable SSL connections.

After you apply an SSL certificate to the https site binding, users can still browse and open the web application using an HTTP connection. Complete the following steps to require SSL connections.

  1. Expand Sites and select InsightCM.

  2. Double-click SSL Settings.

  3. Check the Require SSL checkbox.

  4. Click Apply in the Actions pane.

    If you browse to http://serverName:82, the browser displays an error because an SSL connection via a URL such as https://serverDNSHostname is required.

Now that you have enabled and required SSL connections, further secure your system by integrating InsightCM with the Windows Active Directory.

Integrating InsightCM with Windows Active Directory

Integrate InsightCM with your Windows Active Directory to require users to log in with Windows account credentials.

Complete the following steps to enable LDAP on your browser.

  1. In File Explorer, navigate to the following location:

  2. Open the LoginAuth.json file in a text file editor.

  3. Modify each line category according to a Windows account in your organization.


    Do not set DisableBuiltinAccounts to true until after you assign your Windows credentials to an InsightCM role. You will be unable to log in because your credentials lack the necessary permissions.


    InsightCM uses the DirectoryEntry class to facilitate the LDAP connection. In the LoginAuth.json file, LdapServiceAccountUserName and LdapServiceAccountPassword are the username and password by the DirectoryEntry class. If you define an LdapDomainName, InsightCM adds it followed by a backslash to the beginning of the username. The LdapConnectionString is used as the path in the DirectoryEntry class. See the example below.

  4. Save the changes you made to the file.

  5. Log into the web application with the Windows account used to modify the LoginAuth.json file.

  "DisableBuiltinAccounts": false,
  "LdapConnectionString": "LDAP://,DC=ICM,DC=COM",
  "LdapDomainName": "",
  "LdapUsernameFilterToken": "sAMAccountName",
  "SessionTimeoutMinutes": 7200,
  "LdapServiceAccountUserName": "Administrator",
  "LdapServiceAccountPassword": "SecretPassword"

Now that users are required to log in with their Windows credentials, assign roles and permissions to each Windows user. After adding Windows Active Directory users to InsightCM roles, disable the built-in accounts and remove the stored LDAP username and password in the .json file.


See Setting up Email Notifications for password format requirements.

Managing Roles and Permissions

Manage roles with differing levels of permission for editing or accessing your InsightCM system.

Before you begin, integrate your InsightCM system with your Windows Active Directory.

Assign individual users to roles with specific permissions in the InsightCM web application to ensure each user has the appropriate level of access.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Options.

  2. In the Options dialog, click Roles and Permissions under the Security category.

  3. Click the Role pull-down menu and select an existing role.

    A list of permissions assigned to that role populates in the Permissions field below the pull-down.

  4. Click Add next to the Permissions field to assign additional permissions to the role.


    For a description of available permissions, refer to the List of InsightCM Web Application Permissions.

  5. Click Add next to the Active Directory Roles field to associate one or more Active Directory Roles with the InsightCM role.

  6. Enter each Active Directory account that you want to add to the InsightCM role, or use the Browse LDAP by user for groups button to find which Windows accounts are recognized by the web application.

  7. Click OK to exit the Active Directory Role dialog, verify that the correct Active Directory account(s) appear in the Active Directory Roles field, and click OK.

Any Active Directory user you associated with this InsightCM role has the corresponding permissions.


If you assign an Active Directory user to multiple InsightCM roles, the user receives the permissions of all associated roles.

After assigning Windows Active Directory users to InsightCM roles, return to the LoginAuth.json file and set DisableBuiltinAccounts to true and remove the stored LDAPServiceAccountUserName and LDAPServiceAccountUserPassword.


Unless you disable built-in roles, users can log into the web application by entering the name of a role and no password.

Relationships Between User Accounts and Permissions

Permissions determine which features in the InsightCM web application a user can access after logging in. Several factors determine which permissions a user receives:


The ability to see and/or configure specific pages or tabs in the web application. You assign permissions to roles.


An administrator-defined persona with assigned permissions.


Refer to the Creating Roles and Assigning Permissions topic to learn how to define new roles and how to configure new or existing roles.

Active Directory group

A group in the Windows Active Directory service running on the server machine that contains user accounts. Groups map to roles. Refer to Integrating InsightCM with Windows Active Directory to require users to authenticate with Active Directory.


The web application does not require you to authenticate users with Active Directory. An alternative is allowing users to log into the InsightCM web application with the names of built-in roles, which do not require a password.

User account

An account on the Windows domain whose credentials a user enters to log in to the web application. Accounts belong to Active Directory groups and therefore, they receive the permissions from any role to which their Active Directory group is mapped.

The following diagram shows the relationship between all four items. Notice that the user accounts receive permissions via a group. In other words, you cannot apply a set of permissions to just one account because you must apply a set of permissions to a group.


List of InsightCM Web Application Permissions

Permissions determine which features in the web application users can access when they log in. Assigning permissions to a user is a two-step process: creating a role with the desired permissions, and then mapping a user to the role.


If you have LDAP configured but have no explicit permissions assigned to your role, you will be unable to log in to InsightCM. Refer to Integrating InsightCM with Windows Active Directory for more information.

The following list describes the permissions you can assign to web application roles:



Locations Affected

Enables access to the Acknowledge button on the Active Trend Alarms and Active Spectral Alarms tabs of the Alarms page.

  • Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Alarms » Active Trend

  • Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Alarms » Active Spectral

Displays option to force clear alarms.

  • Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Alarms » Active Trend » Action » Force Clear

  • Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Alarms » Active Spectral » Action » Force Clear

Enables access to the Add Annotation button for spectral alarms.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Alarms » Active Spectral and double-click an alarm instance



Locations Affected

Allows the user to add, edit, and remove trend alarm rules.

  • Asset Configuration page » Trend Alarms tab

  • Alarms page » Trend Rules tab » Action menu » History


Other permissions required: asset_edit, dataEvent_delete


Locations Affected

Enables the Remove button above the asset tree and access to the following options in the right-click menu within the asset tree:

  • Remove with descendants

  • Remove and promote descendants

  • Open Device Configuration

Asset Configuration page

Enables access to the Remove button on the Devices tab.

Device Configuration page


Other permissions required: asset_edit


Locations Affected

Allow users to add, edit, and remove features.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » System » Features

Allows users to add and remove units for features.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » System » Units

Allows the user to edit asset definitions.

Asset Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) » Edit Asset Definitions

Allows users to import asset spreadsheets.

Asset Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) » Import/Export » Import Asset Spreadsheet

Allows users to import device spreadsheets.

Device Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) » Import/Export » Import Devices Spreadsheet


Other permissions required: device_troubleshooting, alarm_edit, alarm_rule_edit


Locations Affected

Allows user to add to and edit names and locations in the asset tree.

Asset Configuration page

Displays option to disable an asset.

Asset Configuration pages » asset tree

Allows user to apply, edit, import, export, or remove an asset template.

Asset Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) » Manage Templates

Allows the users to add and edit fault frequencies.

Asset Configuration page » right-click menu for a selected asset

Allows the user to import and export asset definition files.

Asset Definition Editor » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png)

Allows the user to create and reset trend baselines.

Data Viewer (noloc_env_dataviewer.png) » Trend viewer » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png)

Allows the user to create data event baselines.

Data Viewer (noloc_env_dataviewer.png) » Trend viewer » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png)

Allows user to edit device configurations.

Device Configuration page

Allows user to change the device name that appears throughout the InsightCM web application.

Device Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png)

Enables access to the Update Application button.

Device Configuration page » Software tab

Displays option to disable the device so the device does not try to contact the server or transfer data events.

Device-related pages » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png)

Displays option to upload, download, and delete devices applications and firmware.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Utilities » Package Management

Allows users to edit the Auto-Configuration section of the Options dialog box.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Options » Auto-Configuration



Locations Affected

Allows users to set aging options for data events and streams in the Options dialog box.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Options » Periodic Aging Strategy OR Streaming Aging Strategy

Allows users to delete data events and streams from InsightCM Server.

Data Viewer (noloc_env_dataviewer.png) » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) » Data Events



Locations Affected

Displays the option to reboot a device.

Device Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png)

Displays option to reset the connection information for the device.

Device Configuration page » Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) page



Locations Affected

Allows user to perform tasks on the Historian page, including the following:

  • Add, edit, remove, import, and export PI point mappings

  • Add and apply point name patterns

  • Edit custom feature names

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » System » Historian page



Locations Affected

Allows user to view only data and configurations.


This permission is granted with all other permissions.

The entire web client



Locations Affected

Allows users to add, edit, and remove only email address groups.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Options » Notifications » Address Groups

Allows users to configure only daily notification reports.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Options » Notifications » Daily Reports



Locations Affected

Allows user to edit all of the Server Settings section of the Options dialog box.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Options » Server Settings

Allows user to edit the Security section of the Options dialog box.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Options » Security

Allows user to edit spectral alarm rules.

Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) » Alarms » Spectral Rules

Historian Software

Learn how InsightCM Server can connect to data historians with the purchase, activation, and enablement of the Enterprise Gateway option. Connecting InsightCM to your historian software makes it possible for InsightCM to write new data to existing historian points and to pull data from historian points for feature calculation or visualization.

  • AVEVA eDNA Enterprise Data Management—Map data sources in the InsightCM Server to historian points on AVEVA eDNA software. When a device calculates a trend point value, InsightCM writes it to the corresponding historian point.

  • OSIsoft PI System software—Map data sources in the InsightCM Server to historian points on OSIsoft PI System software. When a device calculates a trend point value, InsightCM writes it to the corresponding historian point.

Interfacing with eDNA Historians

Connect InsightCM to AVEVA eDNA historian software.

  1. Download and install the eDNA User Client Services or eDNA Admin Client Services from AVEVA.


    Specify the eDNA server's IP or computer name when configuring the DNASYS.INI file during installation.

  2. Request the following 64-bit DLLs from AVEVA:

    • EZDnaServApi64.dll

    • EzDNAServApiNet64.dll

  3. On the InsightCM server, save the 64-bit DLLs in the same location as the DLLs that are included with Client Services.


    The default location for DLLs included with the installation of Client Services is C:\Program Files (x86)\eDNA.

  4. Save a copy of the following DLLs to the same folder in which InsightCM is saved:

    • EZDnaApiNet64.dll(A different DLL than mentioned above)

    • EzDNAServApiNet64.dll


    The default InsightCM install location is C:\Program Files\Cutsforth\InsightCM.

  5. Open File Explorer and navigate to where the eDNA configuration file was saved: C:\ProgramData\Cutsforth\InsightCM\Auth\eDNAConfig.json

  6. Open the eDNAConfig.json file in a text editor and edit each field to match your eDNA server.



    The eDNA API caches data updates if the API loses connection to the eDNA server. Configure the location of the cache file and the maximum size of the cache by editing the CachePath and CacheSizeKb properties respectively.

  7. Restart the InsightCM service to integrate a data historian.

    1. Start Windows Services.

    2. Find and select InsightCM <version>.

    3. Click Restart.

  8. In InsightCM, click Dashboard (noloc_env_dashboard.png) and select the Historian tab to check the connection status.

Interfacing with OSIsoft PI System Software

Enable InsightCM to interface with OSIsoft PI System software.

Before you begin, install the OSIsoft PI Asset Framework (AF) Client and activate a run-time license on the same machine that runs InsightCM Server.

  1. Launch Windows Services.

  2. Select the InsightCM <version> entry in the list of services.

  3. Click Restart .


    Restart the InsightCM software to integrate a data historian.

  4. Launch InsightCM.

  5. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  6. Assign the following permission to web application users working with point mappings.

    • historian_edit — Allows you to add, edit, remove, import, and export mappings to historian points, add and apply point name patterns, and customize the feature names that appear in point names.

Components for Writing Values to Historian Points

Map sources of data in InsightCM to historian points to write values to the historian software. Whenever the source produces a value, InsightCM writes the value to the corresponding point in the historian software.

Components for Writing to Historian Points

InsightCM uses the following components to write data to your historian software.



Historian Point

A time-stamped value stored in the historian software. InsightCM uses the point mappings you create in the web application to write values to your historian software.


A measurement derived from collected data. For example, the most recent RMS value from acceleration data that a particular sensor acquires is a feature. Create a point mapping for a feature and InsightCM will write values from that feature to a historian point on the historian software.

Point mapping

The mapping of a feature in InsightCM to the name of a historian point in the historian software.

Troubleshooting Missing Historian Points

If the status of a sensor is open, InsightCM does not write the values of features or spectral bands to the historian software, which may result in missing historian points. To check historian points, refer to Reviewing the Latest Value or Querying the Historian Software.

Adding Point Mappings for Equipment Assets

Add point mappings for one or more assets to enable InsightCM to write data to the historian software.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. In the Point Mappings tab, click Add.


    You can only add point mappings for sensor assets that are children of equipment assets.

  3. In the Choose Assets dialog, select one or more assets.

    Choose Assets - Adding Point Mappings.png
  4. Click Preview to review the list of features associated with the equipment asset that you are creating point mappings for.

    Historian Tag Preview - Adding Point Mapping.png
  5. Ensure that features you want to create point mappings for are selected and that both the asset and the point name are correct.


    If you want to edit the name of an asset or a point name, select the point mapping and click Edit.

  6. Click Apply to create the point mappings.

Creating Point Names Automatically

Create a point name pattern to automatically generate point mappings for assets.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. On the Point Name Patterns tab, select an asset type and click Edit.

  3. Enter the static text and tokens you want InsightCM to replace with dynamic information about the tag source.

    The following list contains tokens you can include in point name patterns. Surround each token with curly braces, as shown. Asset name values are static within historian points and source names.


    Historian points and source names do not reflect any changes you make to an asset name.




    Asset name


    Asset path including all parent assets


    Feature or spectral band name


    Units of the feature or spectral band


    You can replace the names of features and spectral bands in the InsightCM Server with custom names.

Now that you have created a new point name pattern, add point mappings for equipment assets.

Reviewing the Latest Value

Review the latest value of one or more historian points.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. Select one or more point mappings.

  3. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Get Point Values.


    You can query the historian software. Refer to Querying the Historian Software for more information.


    A value of Pt Created means the point exists on the historian server, but the InsightCM Server has not written a value to it.

Preventing InsightCM from Writing to Historian Points

Prevent the InsightCM Server from writing values to specific historian points on the historian software to avoid storing invalid data from a faulty sensor.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. Select one or more point mappings.

  3. Click Edit.

  4. Remove the checkmark from the Enabled checkbox.

Querying the Historian Software

Query the historian software to troubleshoot or review historian points that InsightCM wrote to the historian software using point mappings.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Query Points.

  3. Because the historian software typically returns too much data and causes a timeout error, replace the default query string:



    • If you use OSIsoft PI Server software, refer to the PI SDK Utility Help for more information about query syntax.

    • Queries are limited to 1,000 results.

Exporting Point Mappings

Export information from all pages of the point mappings table to an Excel spreadsheet.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png).

  3. Select Export Point Mappings Spreadsheet.

Importing Point Mappings

Change point mapping names and enablement by importing an Excel (.xslx) spreadsheet with the correct information.


You can update only the point mapping names and point enablement by importing a point mappings spreadsheet.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. On the right, click Action menu (noloc_env_action.png).

  3. Select Export Point Mappings Spreadsheet.

    You download an Excel spreadsheet with information for every point mapping.

  4. Edit the outdated point mappings in the Excel spreadsheet.

  5. Save the spreadsheet and return to InsightCM.

  6. On the right, click Action menu (noloc_env_action.png).

  7. Select Import Point Mappings Spreadsheet.

  8. Select the document you saved and click OK.

Adding a New Point Name Pattern

Add a new point name pattern to make the name of InsightCM data points match the name of historian points in your historian software.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. On the Point Mappings tab, click Add.

  3. Enter static text and tokens you want the web application to replace with dynamic information about the tag.

  4. Select the asset type you want to apply the pattern to.


    Verify that the web application successfully applied point name patterns by checking the historian point names on the Point Mappings tab.

List of Tokens that Insert Dynamic Information in Point Names

Use tokens as you configure InsightCM's data point naming conventions to match your OSIsoft PI system.

The following list contains tokens you can include in point name patterns.


Surround each token with curly braces, as shown below.


Asset name values are static within PI point and source names. If you change the name of an asset, PI point and source names do not reflect the change.




Asset name


Asset path including all parent assets


Feature or spectral band name1


Units of the feature or spectral band

1You can replace the names of features and spectral bands in the InsightCM Server with custom names.

Refer to Point Name Patterns and Defining Custom Feature Names for examples of using these tokens.

Point Name Patterns

You must activate InsightCM Enterprise Gateway to use point mappings.

To ensure that point names follow a uniform pattern and contain minimal errors, define patterns that create and insert static characters and dynamic information into point names. For example, a point name pattern of Location_{path}_{unit} results in a point name that looks similar to Location_NorthSite_Motor_AccelerometerX_RMS_g.


The default point name pattern is the {path} token.

Defining Custom Feature Names

Define custom names to replace default feature names in point mappings. InsightCM inserts the custom names when you apply a point name pattern that contains the {feat} token.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Historian.

  2. Use one of the following methods to define custom names to replace the default names of features.

    Customize a feature name.

    1. Switch to the Point Name Patterns tab.

    2. Select a feature.

    3. Click Edit and enter the {feat} token in the Pattern field.

    4. Click OK.

    5. If applicable, select the Point Mappings tab and re-add the affected assets to apply changes to existing mappings.


      The list contains entries for features that InsightCM supports.

    Insert feature names to point mappings.

    1. On the Point Mappings tab, click Add or select an existing point mapping and click Edit to add or to edit a point name.

    2. Enter the {feat} token in the point name pattern.

    3. Click OK.

Notifications Page

InsightCM aggregates and lists daily error and alarm notifications on the Notifications page.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Notifications.

  2. View the notification summary for a date within a seven day range.

    1. Click the History button to display the Select Report Date dialog box.

    2. Choose which report to display.

  3. Change the parameters of a notification.

    1. Select a notification.

    2. Click Edit to change parameters such as the time range or number of transitions covered by the notification.


      Editing is not available for all notifications and the parameters available for editing vary for each notification.

  4. Export a notification report spreadsheet to your computer.

    1. Click the History button to choose the date for which you want to save a report.

    2. Click OK.

    3. Click Export.

OPC UA Data Source Properties

The OPC UA data source supports configurable properties that affect how the device communicates with the OPC device.

Property Name


Server Endpoint URL

The OPC UA server URL.

Interval (sec)

How often the InsightCM device process reads the device, in seconds.

Read Timeout (sec)

How long the read process waits for a response from the OPC server when the client is reading from the server. If the OPC UA server does not respond within the specified timeout, the InsightCM device attempts to re-open a connection after 30 seconds.


When you specify the file names for your server and client certificates, ensure that all certificate files are in the following directory.


Historian Data Source Property

The Historian data source supports properties that affect how the device communicates with the historian software.

Property Name


Interval (sec)

How often the InsightCM device process reads the device, in seconds.

Configuring Your Server Fleet

Configure your server fleet by modifying the .json file that installed to your server with InsightCM.

  1. Open File Explorer and navigate to the following location: C:\ProgramData\Cutsforth\InsightCM\Fleet

  2. Find the Example.json file and create a copy of the file for each additional InsightCM server that you want to add to your fleet.

  3. Rename each file with a descriptive name and modify each line category according to information for each server you are adding to your fleet.

    • "Name" : "Example",
      "Host": "localhost",
      "User": "Messagebusconfiguration.json>Username",
      "Password": "Messagebusconfiguration.json>Password",
      "Port": 82


      The username and password for each server you add to your fleet is located in the C:\ProgramData\National Instruments\InsightCM 3.0\MessageBusConfiguration.json file on that server.

  4. Once you have created and modified a copy of the Example.json file for each server, restart the service and log into the web application.

A new Fleet tab appears on your main dashboard.

Defining a Transceiver

Identify the server machine so your devices can locate the server.

Complete the following steps to configure the device transceiver settings so that the device can reliably communicate with InsightCM Server.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Options.

  2. Navigate to the Server Settings section and select Transceiver.

  3. Click Alternate IP Addresses to view all possible addresses for your server.

  4. Determine what to use as your hostname.

    Static IP address

    If your server has a static IP address or you don't expect your server IP address to change, copy the IP address to use as the hostname.

    Fully qualified server name

    If you are using a DNS server on your network and you expect your server IP address to change, copy the fully qualified server name to use as the hostname. The server name dynamically links to the server IP address even if the IP address changes. However, using the server name is less reliable than using the IP address. Only use this option in cases where using the IP address is impractical.

  5. Paste the address or name into the Hostname field.

  6. Uncheck the Use IP Address checkbox if you want the transceiver to use the address that you specified in the Hostname field rather than the default IP address. When you save the server settings, the Transceiver value automatically updates to match the Hostname value.

  7. Click OK to restart InsightCM Server and apply the change.

After you save the new server settings, reset the device connection to get the device to send the updated connection information files to the server.

Transferring Your InsightCM Data to a New Server

Follow the process outlined below to transfer your InsightCM data and configuration to a new server:

  1. Stop the InsightCM and InsightCM MongoDB services.

  2. Locate the database and data directories on disk and transfer them to the new server. These are the default locations on disk:

    • Database Directory: C:\ProgramData\Cutsforth\InsightCM\MongoDB

    • Data Directory: C:\ProgramData\Cutsforth\InsightCM\Files

  3. Install the version of InsightCM that you were previously using on the old server. Be sure to select the correct database and data directories if you are not using the default locations.

    • If you intend to also upgrade to a newer version of InsightCM, Cutsforth recommends first installing the version you were previously using to ensure that the data transfer was successful. Once you have confirmed your new server is working properly, you can upgrade to a newer version.

  4. Configure the server’s transceiver settings and reconnect all of your devices by selecting Connection » Reset Connection from the Devices page.

  5. Additional configuration may still be required to connect to your historian, enable SSL connections, and integrate with Windows Active Directory. See Configuring InsightCM for more information.

Maintaining InsightCM

Optimize your system by managing packages and configuring an aging strategy for data.

Before you begin, ensure that you have added Cutsforth monitoring devices, mapping, and have acquired data.

Complete the following tasks to manage application packages and to conserve disk space.

  1. Manage Packages–Upload and download software packages, which this page refers to as system images or firmware.

  2. Configure an Aging Strategy–Conserve disk space by configuring a strategy that automatically deletes historical data when certain conditions are met.

Managing Packages

Upload and download software packages, which this page refers to as system images or firmware.

The InsightCM Server installs some default software packages. If you create or receive updated or patched packages, use this page to upload it so you can apply the packages to devices.


You cannot manage packages using Windows 10. Refer to support documentation for more information.

  • Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Utilities > Package Management.

  • Complete one of the following tasks according to your package management goals.

    Update the application that runs on one or more devices.

    1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

    2. Select one or more devices and click Update Application.


      This operation requires devices to reboot and might take several minutes to complete.

    Upload a software package to the server.

    1. Click Upload.

    2. Navigate to the package you want to upload to the server.

    3. Click Open to begin the upload.

Aging Strategies

An aging strategy prompts the server to delete historical data if certain conditions are met.

Systems with many devices or with devices performing frequent acquisitions can require significant disk space to store data. InsightCM provides features for automatically discarding data events after configurable conditions are met. This automatic process, called aging, conserves disk space while maintaining a desirable collection of data.

InsightCM applies the periodic aging strategy to individual data events that are not part of a stream. The streaming aging strategy is used to discard entire streams. InsightCM does not retain partial streams.

Trend data is aged separately from data events, which contain data sets. By default, trend data is retained with the following policy:


Length in days

Retained values per day










If you need to change the default settings, contact the Cutsforth support team for assistance.


InsightCM ignores periodic data events triggered by an alarm transition and never deletes them due to aging.

Calendar-Based Aging Strategy

A calendar-based strategy enables you to determine which and how much data to discard. This strategy follows a time-based schedule to discard data events after a configurable number of days. You can configure the strategy to discard all data sets except those collected at a specific time. For example, you can retain some data to trend over an extended period of time by configuring a calendar-based strategy that deletes all periodic data events except those collected at 12:00pm after two days elapse.

You can also choose to retain data events that have alarms or comments associated with them and exclude data events from a particular operating state.


The aging strategy runs every fifteen minutes, so InsightCM might not discard data immediately after the aging condition is met.

calendar-based strategy

Identifying Data that Is Exempt from Aging

You can identify data that InsightCM exempts from aging on the Trend viewer. The Trend viewer shows data points from times that are exempt from aging rules. For example, if InsightCM is configured to delete all periodic data three days after collecting it, but the Trend viewer displays a value that is five days old, that data point is exempt from aging.

calendar-based strategy

Configuring an Aging Strategy

Conserve disk space by configuring a strategy that automatically deletes historical data when certain conditions are met.

To learn more about the periodic and streaming aging strategies, refer to Aging Strategies. Complete the following steps to configure an aging strategy.

  1. Click Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Options.

  2. Navigate to Server Settings.

  3. Select Periodic Aging Strategy or Streaming Aging Strategy.


    Both periodic and stream aging strategies are system-level strategies that apply to data events from all devices.

  4. Use the Aging Strategy pull-down to select the Calendar-Based strategy.

  5. Use the text box below the pull-down to specify how many days' worth of data events to retain.

  6. Specify time(s) when the device permanently retains the data events it collects.

  7. Use the corresponding checkboxes to configure whether data events collected with alarms or for all MCSA Startup events are always retained and whether to retain burst data sets.

  8. Use the Never retain data events from pull-down and select an operating state.

  9. Click OK.

The following table compares how two different aging strategies operate on data. In these examples, assume Day 1 begins with zero data events.


Day 1

Day 2

Day 3



Total Stored



Total Stored



Total Stored

Calendar-based—Retain from the past two days








All 3 collected on Day 1


Calendar-based—Retain from the past two days, and then permanently retain the data event collected at 12:00 PM every day








All collected on Day 1 except the one collected at 12:00 PM


The calendar-based strategy in the second row is useful when you want to access all acquired data only during the recent past. For example, if an equipment asset fails, you may want to review data from every acquisition that occurred 2 days prior to the failure. However, you may only need to view data from one acquisition per day twenty days prior to failure.

Now that you have configured an aging strategy, learn how to preserve some data events from aging strategies.


Preserving Data from Aging Strategies

Ensure data from a specific acquisition remains available for viewing regardless of aging rules.

Before you begin, you need to have acquired data.

Feature and sensor data remains accessible whenever the Trend viewer time-axis contains the time at which the acquisition occurred. When you choose to retain data, InsightCM retains all the data associated with the sensor acquisition, such as feature values, the time waveform, and other measurements, such as the FFT curve.

Complete the following steps to identify which data events you want to retain.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Data Events.

  2. In the Data Events dialog, select an equipment asset from the asset tree to bring up corresponding log data events on the right.

  3. Select the data event of interest that contains data sets.

  4. Click Retain.


    Remove the retain property by selecting a data event marked for retention and clicking Retain.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Verify that the data event has been marked for retention.


    Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) above the data events log and select Export to export a TDMS file for a data event.

calendar-based strategy Calendar-basedCalendar-based
calendar-based strategy Calendar-basedCalendar-based
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