Related Products:

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ISCM-0380, ISCM-0385




device models, device types, device guidelines, adding continuous device, mapping channels


This topic describes continuous devices, types, guidelines, adding, mapping, verifying devices, and acquiring data.

Continuous Devices

Familiarize yourself with the following concepts to help you work with Cutsforth monitoring devices that are wired to sensors, the network, and a power source.

For more information regarding module types and compatibility, refer to Continuous Monitoring Device Hardware for InsightCM.

Device Models

Cutsforth Monitoring Devices are available in the following models:

  • High-Performance Condition Monitoring Systems—Supports periodic and continuous file collection when equipment enters an operating state of interest, such as a run-up or coast-down. The CMS-9036 is an example of a Transient, Periodic, and Event Recorder system.

  • General Purpose Monitoring Systems—Supports periodic file collection when triggered by time or data triggers. The CMS-9065 and CMS-9068 are examples of Periodic and Event Recorder systems.

Device Types

When you add a new device, InsightCM requires you to specify the device type. The device type describes the CompactRIO controller and the software application on the device. For example, the CMS-9068 is based on the cRIO-9068 and runs an application designed for monitoring systems.

Each device model has one or more device types that it supports. For example, High Performance Condition Monitoring Systems include device types based on the cRIO-9047 and the cRIO-9036; General Purpose Monitoring Systems include device types based on the cRIO-9068, cRIO-9065, cRIO-9055, and cRIO-9058. Each device runs a different application.

The device type also determines which arrangements of I/O modules within the device chassis are supported.

Device Types for High-Performance Condition Monitoring Systems

The application for High-Performance Condition Monitoring device types supports up to eight dynamic C Series I/O modules, such as the Cutsforth 9232. You must fill module slots in ascending order starting with slot 1. You must fill slots 1 and 2. You cannot skip any slots, but you do not have to use every slot.

These device types come in two formats: one that powers IEPE sensors via the physical connection to the channel and one that does not.

Device Types for General Purpose Monitoring Systems

InsightCM supports a set of arrangements for static and/or dynamic C Series I/O modules in the chassis. The following table lists the module types you can install under each arrangement, but does not represent all possible valid configurations.


You do not need to fill every slot, but you must fill slots in ascending order starting at slot 1.


Chassis Slot Number

Supported Module Arrangements in CMS-9068









































Chassis Slot Number

Supported Module Arrangements in CMS-9065

















Guidelines for Chassis with Dynamic Modules

If the arrangement you choose contains any dynamic modules, such as the Cutsforth 9232, install dynamic input modules in adjacent slots beginning with slot 1. You must fill slot 1, but you do not need to fill every slot in the chassis.

Guidelines for Chassis with Only Static Modules

For a list of I/O modules that Cutsforth Monitoring Devices support, contact Cutsforth customer support.

Types of Software for Devices


Cutsforth Monitoring Devices run preinstalled firmware, the permanent software on the device that performs lower-level operations than the device application. You do not directly interact with firmware unless you receive an updated or patched version. Use the Package Management page to upload the firmware so you can apply it to devices. Then, use the Software tab on the Device Configuration page to update the firmware on a device to the new version.

Applications for Devices

The Software tab on the Device Configuration page displays an overview of the application types and versions running on each device. Update device applications to the latest version and reset the firmware to the preinstalled version from the Software tab. You do not directly interact with the application unless you receive an updated or patched version. Use the Package Management page to upload the application so you can apply it to devices. The Package Management page refers to applications as system images.

Device Configurations

A device configuration is a collection of properties that controls how a device operates, including how and when it acquires data and collects files. Define the configuration for a device on its Device Configuration page in InsightCM.

Click Update Configuration at the top of the Device Configuration page each time you make a change to a device's configuration to send the updated configuration to the device. The device might require several minutes after the last time you click Save to download the configuration and come online again.

device configuration
device configuration

Adding a Continuous Device

Add and configure a Cutsforth monitoring device that is wired to sensors, the network, and a power source.

Before you begin, configure assets on the Asset Configuration page.

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Click Add.

  3. In the New Device dialog box, connect to an online or offline device.



    Connect to an online device

    1. Select Connect to an online device and enter the IP address in the textbox.


      If you do not know the device IP address, click Browse to see a list of devices on the same subnet as the server machine.

    2. To check for common problems that prevent a device from connecting to InsightCM and coming online, click the Connect button. The web application opens the Test Connection dialog box and checks for problems. If the check fails, this dialog box provides troubleshooting information.


      You can continue to add an online device without resolving failed checks if the device passes the IP address check.

    3. Click OK.

    4. Select your device type from the Device Type pull-down menu.

    5. Configure the slots to match the module configuration on your physical device.


      If you need to update the module configuration in InsightCM at a later time, navigate to the Hardware tab of the specific device's configuration page.

    6. Click Next.

    7. Enter the following names for the device.

      • Device Name—The name you want to appear throughout the web application. Assign an easily identifiable name, such as one that indicates the physical device location or the equipment it monitors.

      • Hardware Name—The hostname of the device, which is in the format of NI-cRIO-ModelNumber-SerialNumber by default. If the device is online, InsightCM automatically populates this name. Otherwise, find the two values printed on a label on the back of the device.

    Connect to an offline device

    1. Select Create an offline device option and click Next.

    2. Select your device type from the Device Type pull-down menu.

    3. Configure the slots to match the module configuration on your physical device.


      If you need to update the module configuration in the web application at a later time, navigate to the Hardware tab of the specific device's configuration page.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Enter a descriptive name in the Device Name text field.

    6. Once you have added an offline device, transfer a connection file to your offline device.

  4. Click Finish to add your device to the server.

Now that you have added continuous monitoring devices, map device channels and data groups.

Mapping Channels and Data Groups

Map sensors to device channels and group all sensors for an equipment asset into a data group. You can configure data collection behaviors for each data group.

Ensure that you have added at least one equipment asset with sensor assets on the Asset Configuration page.

Data groups enable you to organize data from device channels monitoring the same equipment into one data event. Since each equipment asset has a defined set of operating states, create one data group per equipment asset.

  1. Click the Configuration pull down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Double-click the device whose channels you want to map.


    For wireless and thermal imaging devices, add wireless sensor endpoints and/or discover ROI cameras directly from the device's configuration page to enable devices to collect data.

  3. Select the Equipment Mapping tab and click Add/Remove.

  4. Click Add, select the equipment level asset, and click OK.


    If you remove the Default data group from this section, your device channels will automatically be reassigned to the data group you added.

    You created a new data group.

  5. Click the Channels tab and select one of the channels.

  6. Click Select Data Group and select the new data group from the pull-down.

  7. Once you assign the data group to your channels, select a channel and select a sensor in the right-hand asset tree to map a channel to a sensor asset.

  8. Repeat steps 4–5 until you have mapped each of the sensors to a channel.


    Not all device channels need to have a sensor mapped to them.

  9. Add additional data groups to the device if you are mapping remaining channels to sensor assets associated with different equipment.

  10. Above the Equipment Mapping tab, click Validate.


    InsightCM removes unmapped channels when you click Validate. Use the Channels tab to add channels back to the Channels table as needed.

  11. Above the device's configuration tabs, click Back to Devices.

  12. Select the device whose channels you configured and click Update Configuration under the Devices tab.


    Any changes you make on the Device Configuration page or the Asset Configuration page will not be applied until you click Update Configuration.

Verifying Device Connectivity

After you send the connection information to the device, it automatically connects to the server.

Complete the following steps to verify that the device connects successfully.

  1. In the web application, click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

    Device Configuration Page.png
  2. On the Devices tab, verify that the Connection Status column for the device says Online, which means the device finished updated and connected successfully to the server.


    The device might require several minutes to download configuration files and reboot before it connects to the server and comes online. During this time, the device status might change multiple times. Click the Refresh button to see the latest status.

Transferring a Connection File to an Offline Device

Connect your offline device to the InsightCM Server by transferring a connection file to the device.

If you added the device configuration without entering the IP address, the device cannot yet connect to InsightCM because it does not have the information needed to connect to the server. Complete the following steps to transfer credentials to the device.

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Find the device connection file you exported when you added a device to the InsightCM Server.

  3. If you did not export a connection file, return to the Device Configuration page.

    1. Select the device.

    2. Select the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and hover over Connection.

    3. Select Export Connection File.

  4. Copy the file to a USB drive folder named upload in the following directory: <RootLevel>:\InsightCM.


    If the upload folder does not exist, create it.


    The filename must be in the format of DeviceHostname-SerialNumber.json or the device will not read it.

  5. Insert the USB into the USB port on the controller front panel and note that the USER1 LED light will switch from blinking to solid when the device is reading the connection file.

  6. When the USER1 LED returns to blinking steadily, remove the USB drive.

  7. From the Device Configuration page, select the device to which you manually transferred a connection file, click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Reboot.

Acquiring Data

When the device is online with all relevant channels mapped to sensors, test your device's ability to acquire data. Automatic acquisitions occur periodically, but you can force an acquisition at any time using Force Trigger.

Complete the following steps to test whether or not the channels in your device can acquire data.

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. On the Devices tab, select the device you added.

  3. In the Action (noloc_env_action.png) menu, select Force Trigger to perform an acquisition from all channels.

  4. Click the Layout (noloc_env_layout.png) button on the viewer toolbar, hover over Chart Type, and select Thermal Image to change the viewer to one that can view thermal imaging data.

  5. Wait several seconds for the acquisition to be complete before clicking the Data Viewer (noloc_env_dataviewer.png) button to view the Data Viewer page. Click on a feature level asset for the equipment and confirm that data has been acquired.


    Before data is available, devices must finish performing the acquisition and the InsightCM server must receive and store the data. The duration of a force-triggered acquisition is based on the file length of the equipment's Default operating state.

    For a complete list of ways you can configure a device to perform acquisitions, refer to Methods for Initiating Device Acquisitions.

  6. Repeat the force acquisition several times to acquire multiple data sets.

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