Configure the way your system performs different tasks.

Before you begin, set up equipment assets and monitoring devices.

Complete the following tasks according to your customization goals.

Configuring Alarms

Set alarms to monitor unusual activity and configure alarms to send email alerts.

Before you begin, configure your asset tree, add Cutsforth monitoring devices, and acquire data.

Devices continuously evaluate alarm rules. However, some devices either do not have the ability to evaluate the alarm rule or do not take continuous measurements. With the exception of Low Rate Feature Trend Alarms, the server evaluates alarm rules wherever data is received from the device.

Configure alarms to trigger based on equipment activity.

  1. Configure an alarm rule.

    Configure a trend alarm rule

    Monitor the condition of your equipment by configuring trend alarm rules that indicate when an asset enters a severe state.

    Configure a spectral alarm rule

    Configure an alarm for spectral frequencies to monitor the energy level of each frequency.

  2. Set up email notifications–Receive immediate notification of assets entering a severe state by directing InsightCM to send you email notifications.

  3. Acknowledge trend data–Move an alarm instance from Active Trend Alarm to a log of alarm instances without clearing the instance.

  4. Learn conditions for setting and clearing alarms–Familiarize yourself with when and how InsightCM sets and clears alarms and determine if you want to refine an alarm rule with hysteresis, on and off delays, custom file lengths, and pre-triggers.

Define trend alarm rules either by asset types or by auto-configuring levels.

Configuring a Trend Alarm Rule

Configure a trend alarm rule for an equipment asset.

Before you begin, assign at least one feature to the asset for which you are configuring a trend alarm rule.

A trend alarm rule is a group of settings that causes InsightCM to set an alarm based on trend behavior. In most cases, you will configure trend alarm rules for each sensor asset, but you configure trend alarm rules directly on MCSA equipment assets. To set a trend alarm rule, define levels of severity for data that will set the alarm. You can manually configure these levels or auto-configure them using a baseline of data.

  1. Click the Configuration button (noloc_env_config.png) to navigate to the Asset Configuration page.

  2. In the right side configuration panel, select the Trend Alarms tab.

  3. Click Add to display the Trend Alarm Rule dialog.

  4. In the top left corner of the dialog box, use the pull-down menu to choose a feature you want to apply.

  5. In the adjacent pull-down, specify whether this alarm trips for trend values that are greater than or less than the compared value.

  6. Using the Operating State pull-down menu, choose whether the rule applies to all operating states or to one specific operating state.


    If you select All for the Operating State pull-down menu, you can not auto-configure levels from the baseline since the average data will differ for each feature type.

  7. Use one of the following two methods to define severity levels for the trend alarm rule.



    Define levels based on a comparison value that you set.

    1. Click the Add button in the Levels section to display the Trend Alarm Rule dialog box.

    2. Specify the urgency of the level in the Severity pull-down menu.

    3. Specify the threshold you want the Cutsforth monitoring device to compare trend values against in the Compare To field.

    4. Check the Send Email checkbox to enable email options for the web application to use when the alarm trips.

    5. If there is more than one level that you want to set for a trend alarm rule, repeat these steps as needed.

    Auto-configure levels based on a value that InsightCM calculates from previously acquired data.


    To use auto-configure, you must have already acquired data.

    1. Check the Auto-configure level from baseline checkbox and a new Edit button should appear.

    2. Click the Edit button that appears next to the checkbox label to display the Auto-Configure Alarm Rule dialog box.

    3. In the Calculation pull-down menu, specify how you want the Cutsforth monitoring device to calculate the compare value.

    4. Click Add to display the Trend Alarm Rule Level dialog box.

    5. Specify the urgency of the level in the Severity pull-down menu.

    6. In the Compare To field, specify the initial value that the web application uses to calculate the threshold.

    7. Check the Send Email checkbox to enable email notifications to be sent when the alarm trips.

  8. If you use auto-configured levels, set a baseline.

    1. Click the Calendar button to bring up the Select Date Range dialog.

    2. Define a range of dates in the Start and End text fields with data you want to use to calculate a baseline. Click OK. Narrow the data set by clicking and dragging to zoom into a portion of the timeline. Double-click the graph to zoom out again.

    3. Click Set Baseline.


      If you do not set a baseline, InsightCM does not auto-configure levels.

Severity for Alarm Rules

Severity is a user-defined value that can be useful for setting the priority of an alarm condition. Use low severity for conditions that are outside normal operating parameters but still within acceptable limits. Use high severity for conditions where an analyst should review the data as soon as possible.

When an alarm is triggered, the server retains the data sets from that event. The server keeps track of the maximum severity for the alarm instance. Whenever a new maximum severity is tripped, the server retains the corresponding data sets. However, when an alarm transitions between severities, the server only retains the trend point data.

Table 1. Alarm Rules with Differing Severities



Set Point


Send Email?

True Peak





True Peak





Auto-Configuring Severity Levels

Use trend baselines to auto-configure severity levels for an alarm rule.

Before you begin, collect data from the asset for which you are configuring an alarm rule.

  1. Click the Configuration button (noloc_env_config.png) and select a sensor-level asset.

  2. In the configuration pane, select the Trend Alarms tab.

  3. Find and select an alarm and click Edit.

  4. Select a feature and operator combination you want to auto-configure severity levels for.

  5. Select an operating state using the Operating State pull-down menu.


    If you select All, you will not have the option to auto-configure levels from a baseline.

  6. Check the Auto-configure levels from baseline checkbox to activate a new Edit button.

  7. Click the Edit button.

  8. Choose a calculation type using the corresponding pull-down menu.

  9. Add severity levels and click OK.

  10. Below the table of severity levels, click the calendar button to use data collected within a certain date range as your baseline.

  11. Click OK to select the date range and to activate the Set Baseline button.

  12. Click Set Baseline and OK to save your changes.

The alarm you have just modified now has severity levels that InsightCM has configured based on collected data.

Trend Baseline Minimum Data Ranges

Determine the minimum range of data that the web application should use to calculate a baseline.



Minimum Trend Points

Specifies the minimum number of trend points used to calculate a baseline.

Minimum Days

Specifies the minimum number of days over which data must be collected before calculating a baseline.

Minimum Standard Deviation

Specifies a standard deviation to replace the actual standard deviation of the baseline if the actual standard deviation goes below this value.

Configuring Hysteresis

Specify a threshold above or below the severity level that sets an alarm to reduce alarm instances from a noisy signal.


This functionality only applied to features calculated on the device.

Before you begin, configure a trend alarm rule.

Configuring hysteresis is useful for preventing an alarm from clearing immediately after it is set. To learn more about hysteresis, refer to Conditions of Setting and Clearing Alarms. Specify an offset value from the Compare To value that clears an alarm.

  1. Click the Navigation menu and go to Alarms > Trend Rules.

  2. Find and select the trend rule for which you want to configure hysteresis.

  3. Click Edit to bring up the Trend Alarm Rule dialog.

  4. Below the sample of data in the dialog, configure the hysteresis value in the Hysteresis text field.

  5. Click OK.

The alarm rule that you have modified now clears an alarm when trend values cross the threshold for the hysteresis you specified.

If you want to refine the conditions for setting an alarm further, consider configuring an on and off delay.

Configuring On and Off Delay

Specify a time delay before InsightCM sets or clears an alarm to reduce alarm instances from a noisy signal.

Before you begin, configure a trend alarm rule. Configure hysteresis before configuring Off Delay.

On Delay specifies the amount of time that trend values must remain above the Compare To value before InsightCM sets an alarm. Off Delay specifies the amount of time that trend values must remain below or above the Compare To, or at the hysteresis value, before InsightCM clears the alarm. To learn more about On Delay and Off Delay values, refer to Conditions for Setting and Clearing Alarms.

Complete the following steps to set an On Delay or Off Delay value for an alarm.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Alarms > Trend Rules.

  2. Find and select the trend rule to configure its delays.

  3. Click Edit to bring up the Trend Alarm Rule dialog.

  4. Below the sample of data in the dialog, configure the delay values in seconds using the corresponding spin boxes.

  5. Click OK.

The alarm rule that you have modified will now delay the setting and/or clearing of an alarm instance by the amount of time you specified.

On DelayOff Delay

Specifying a File Length for Data Collection

Specify file lengths for data that you want your monitoring devices to collect when asset conditions set a higher severity alarm.

Before you begin, configure a trend alarm rule.

InsightCM uses the value you specify for the file length to determine the size of the data collection when asset conditions set an alarm and cross a higher severity threshold.


This option will override the collection settings determined by the operating state.

Complete the following steps to specify a file length for the data collected for an alarm.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Alarms > Trend Rules.

  2. Find and select the trend rule to configure its custom file length.

  3. Click Edit to bring up the Trend Alarm Rule dialog.

  4. At the bottom of the dialog, uncheck the Use default collection length checkbox to activate the File Length text field.

  5. Use the File Length text field to specify how many seconds of data InsightCM will collect when conditions set a higher severity alarm.

  6. Click OK.

The alarm rule you have just modified now collects trend data files for the length of time you specified for File Length.

Specifying a Pre-Trigger Length for Data Collection

Delay the start of data collection when asset conditions set a higher severity alarm.

Before you begin, configure a trend alarm rule.

InsightCM uses the value you specify for the pre-trigger length to determine how long after asset conditions set an alarm and cross a higher severity threshold to wait before collecting data.


This option will override the collection settings determined by the operating state.

Complete the following steps to specify a pre-trigger length for an alarm.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Alarms > Trend Rules.

  2. Find and select the trend rule for which you want to specify a pre-trigger value.

  3. Click Edit to bring up the Trend Alarm Rule dialog.

  4. At the bottom of the dialog, uncheck the Use default collection length checkbox to activate the Pre-Trigger text field.

  5. Use the Pre-Trigger text field to specify how many seconds InsightCM will wait after asset conditions set a higher severity alarm before collecting data.

  6. Click OK.

The alarm rule you have modified now waits the length of time you specified for the pre-trigger before collecting data.

Defining a Trend Alarm Rule for Asset Types

Define a trend alarm rule for all assets of a certain type.

Edit an asset definition to configure a trend alarm rule for all assets of a certain type.


The changes you make to the definition of an asset type will apply to all applicable current and future assets.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Systems > Asset Definitions.

  2. Select a definition to edit and click the Trend Alarm Rules tab.

  3. Click Add to display the Trend Alarm Rule dialog box.

  4. Choose the feature you want the rule to apply to from the pull-down menu in the dialog box.


    Only features that have been toggled to default in the Features tab for this asset type will be available options in this pull-down menu.

  5. In the adjacent pull-down, specify whether this alarm triggers for trend values that are greater than or less than the compare value.

  6. Choose the operating state to which you want this trend alarm to apply using the Operating States pull-down menu.


    If you choose to make the trend alarm active in all operating states, you will be unable to auto-configure levels from the baseline because baselines will differ for each state.

  7. Use one of the following two methods to set levels for the trend alarm rule.



    Set levels based on a set Compare value that you define.

    1. Click Add in the Levels section to display the Trend Alarm Rule Level dialog box.

    2. Specify the urgency of the level using the Severity pull-down menu. Spectral alarm rules are only calculated on the server.

    3. Specify the multiplier to which you want the web application to compare trend values in the Compare To spin box.

    4. Check the Send Email checkbox to enable email options for the web application to use when the alarm trips.


      If you have not configured an address group and a specific email template for an alarm type, you may do so for the default group and email template that the web application already has loaded.

    5. When prompted about applying the alarm rule to all the assets of this type, select Yes or No.

    Set levels based on a value calculated from previously acquired data.

    1. Check the Auto-configure level from baseline checkbox and a new Edit button should appear.

    2. Click the Edit button that appears next to the checkbox label to display the Auto-Configure Alarm Rule dialog.

    3. In the Calculation pull-down menu, specify how you want the web application to calculate the Compare To value.

    4. Click Add to display the Trend Alarm Rule Level dialog.

    5. Specify the urgency of the level in the Severity pull-down menu.

    6. In the Compare To field, specify the initial value that the web application uses to calculate the compare value for the level.

    7. Place a checkmark in the Send Email checkbox to enable email options for the web application to use when the alarm trips.

  8. If available, use the following options to override the collection settings determined by an operating state.

    • User default collection length—Uncheck this option to enable the File Length and Pre-Trigger Length options. InsightCM uses the values you set for these options when the alarm condition is triggered and when the alarm severity changes.

    • File Length—Specify how many seconds of data to collect while the alarm rule is active.

    • Pre-Trigger Length—Specify how many seconds of data to collect before the event that triggers the alarm rule.

trend alarm ruleOn DelayOff Delay

Configuring Spectral Alarm Rules

Configure an alarm for spectral frequencies to monitor the energy level of each frequency.

Before you begin, ensure that you have collected data from the sensor asset you are setting a spectral alarm for.


Spectral alarm rules are only calculated on the server.

A spectral alarm rule allows you to set alarms for every frequency of a spectrum to ensure that the energy level at each frequency is acceptable.

Complete the following steps to configure a spectral alarm rule for a sensor asset.

  1. Click the Configuration button (noloc_env_config.png) to navigate to the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Select the sensor asset you want to configure a spectral alarm for.


    Motor (MCSA) and Voltage Bus are equipment assets that also support spectral alarms.

  3. Click the Spectral Alarms tab and click Add to display the Spectral Alarm Rule dialog box.

  4. Choose an operating state and integration type.

  5. Select a data event from the list.

  6. Expand the Add Level pull-down menu and select the severity level you want to specify.

  7. Draw the line representing the severity level on the graph.

    1. Using the preview line, align your cursor to the g rms height with the corresponding length of the waveform and click to set the severity level.

    2. For data that fluctuates along the length of the waveform, raise or lower your cursor, move it along the length of the waveform, and click to set the same severity level for another section of the waveform.

  8. Click the checkmark button to commit the line of severity levels you have drawn.


    InsightCM sets the scale of spectral frequencies automatically based on collected data, but you can disable the auto-scale and set a maximum scale by clicking Set Scale.

  9. In the top right corner of the dialog, click Done.

  10. Repeat steps 5 through 9 to configure additional alarm levels as needed.

  11. Click OK to save your changes.

Operating States

Operating states set different collection settings and/or alarm levels for your assets.

For many assets, it is useful to define discrete operating states that have different collection settings and/or alarm levels. For example, if a motor is running, you may want to collect data more frequently than when the motor is idle or off. Consider the following examples of operating states turbine which has a tachometer sensor with a speed feature.

Operating States



  • Enter state when RPM rises above 200

  • Collect a data set every 30 seconds

  • Write data sets whose length is 10 seconds

  • Exit state when speed is above 1200 RPM for 20 seconds or speed is less than 200 RPM for 20 seconds


  • Collect a data set once per hour

  • Write data sets whose length is 4 seconds, including 1 seconds of pre-trigger data

Transitions Between Operating States

Defining an operating state for unique equipment conditions allows the device to dynamically switch between collection behaviors. As the Run-Up operating state in the previous example shows, operating states express a condition to enter the state and a condition to exit the state. While in the state, the collection settings and conditions can be configured differently than when the asset is in the default state.

How Operating States Affect Data Visualization

The metadata pane on the Data Viewer page displays the operating state that was active when the device collected the data.


Editing an Operating State

Change operating states that you can assign to an alarm.

  1. Select the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Operating States.

  2. Select an existing operating state and click Edit.

  3. Adjust the name and weight of the operating state as needed.

  4. Create additional operating states by clicking the Add button and specifying the name and weight of the new operating state.

Gating Conditions for Data Sets and Tags

Use gating conditions to prevent data from being acquired when the condition is not met.

When you enable a gating condition for an operating state, the server evaluates each data set collected under that operating state to see if the gating condition is true. For example, you might want to store data sets only when the equipment is running as indicated by an RMS above 0.1 g. If the gating condition is true for a data set, the server stores the data set. Otherwise, the server discards the data set.


Force trigger always stores a data set and ignores gate conditions.

Trigger Type




Delta EU







The gating conditions set for an operating state do not affect burst mode data sets. Instead, burst mode data sets are evaluated for gating conditions set in the Burst Mode Collection Conditions section on the Device Properties tab of the Device Configuration page.

Delta EU Triggers

You can define one or more delta EU triggers that initiate an acquisition when a feature or spectral band changes by at least a specified amount. Both positive and negative changes in value cause a delta EU trigger to fire.


If the device is unable to calculate the spectral bands on the device, the delta EU triggers will not fire on the bands.

This setting can be found on the Operating States Tab of the Asset Configuration page.

The following process explains how the InsightCM Server monitors delta EU triggers.

Device Action


When a device starts running, it sets the current value of the feature or spectral band as the baseline EU value.

Consider a feature whose value is 1 upon startup. The baseline EU value is therefore 1.

The device monitors the feature value regularly and compares it to the baseline value to check for a difference greater than the trigger level.

Consider a delta EU trigger with a delta level of 3. Given the baseline EU value of 1, the device checks for values less than -2 and greater than 4 to see if the trigger condition is met.

If the current value increases or decreases by the delta level, the trigger fires and the device performs an acquisition.

If the current value is 8, the device performs one acquisition.

The device sets the value that caused the trigger to fire as the new baseline value.

The new baseline EU value is 8.

The device continues to calculate the feature value to see if the difference from the baseline is greater than the delta level.

Given the new baseline of 8, the device checks for values less than 5 and greater than 11.

Only the initial start-up value and values that cause delta EU triggers to fire can serve as the baseline EU value. In other words, when a device performs a time-, alarm-, or force-triggered acquisition, the device does not update the baseline EU value with the feature value from that acquisition.

MCSA Operating States

An electric motor has discrete operating states such as On (Default), Startup, and Off. The following table lists the default operating states of MCSA devices.

Operating States

Default Settings


  • Collect a data set once per hour.

  • Collect trend values every 5 minutes.

  • Write data sets whose length is 3 seconds, including 1 second of pre-trigger data.


  • Enter state when Percent Full Load Amps rises above 200% Full Load Amps (FLA), where FLA specifies the motor full load current in amperes according to the motor nameplate.

  • Collect a data set when entering state. The length of this data set is 30 seconds, including 1 second of pre-trigger data.

  • Exit state when Percent Full Load Amps is less than 110% FLA for 5 seconds or the state lasts for 30 seconds.


  • Enter state when Percent Full Load Amps falls below 25% FLA.

  • Collect a data set once per hour.

  • Collect trend values every 5 minutes.

  • Exit state when Percent Full Load Amps rises above 25% FLA.

Methods for Initiating Data Set Collection

Cutsforth Monitoring Devices continuously or wirelessly monitor data from equipment. However, these devices collect and log data only when initiated by one of several types of triggers.

Use one of the following triggers to collect and log data.

Automatic Triggers

Either the software on the devices or the server automatically initiates a data set collection when the following triggers fire.

Use Case



Where to Configure

Time Interval

Collect a data set at specific times of day or intervals of time. Ensure that trends are complete enough to provide a useful display of machine conditions.

Operating States tab on the Asset Configuration page

Delta EU

Collect a data set when a feature or spectral band value changes by a specified amount. Ensure data is collected at the time that a rapid change in measurements occurs.

Enter Condition

Collect a data set when the enter condition for an operating state is met. View the measurements from the time that equipment changed its status.

Exit Condition

Collect a data set when the exit condition for the operating state is met. View the measurements from the time that equipment changed its status.

Alarm Set

Collect a data set whenever an alarm condition is met. Access data from the time an alarm condition occurred.


Data sets are sent to the server only when the threshold for new maximum severity is crossed. Otherwise, only trend points are sent to the server, including when an alarm clears.

Alarms page

Alarm Clears

Collect a data set whenever an alarm clears. Access trend point data from the time an alarm condition ends.

Burst Mode

Collect high-resolution data sets at specific times of day or intervals of time. Troubleshoot equipment with data that may indicate an issue.

Device Properties tab on a device's configuration page

Example: Relationships Between Different Trigger Types

The variety of triggers available in the InsightCM Server means that devices can perform collections more frequently than the standard time-based intervals. Consider a device whose configuration includes the following settings.



Total collection duration

1 time unit

Time-based trigger

Every 7 time units

Delta EU trigger level

3 engineering units

Alarm rule

  • Set Point - 75 degrees

  • Condition - Above

High-Resolution Data Acquisition with Burst Mode

What happens to the device while burst mode is active?

The device suspends normal operation and does not check for changes, such as alarms or operating states, for about 30 seconds before and after acquiring high-resolution data to allow the acquisition anti-aliasing filters to settle.

What happens to high-resolution data if the device cannot connect to the server?

By default, InsightCM discards high-resolution data if the device cannot connect to the server.

Requesting a Periodic Acquisition

Collect data by using force trigger and view a periodic acquisition.

Complete the following steps to force trigger and view a periodic acquisition.

  1. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) on the Trend viewer toolbar and select Force Trigger.

  2. If the Trend viewer already contains curves for the features or sensors of interest, click the Refresh trend data button (noloc_env_refresh.png). You might need to wait several seconds to see force-triggered data in viewers because devices must perform the periodic acquisition, and then InsightCM must receive and store the data.

Manual Data Acquisition

To view new trend values and sensor measurements between scheduled periodic acquisitions, you can manually request that a device perform an acquisition. These requests are known as force triggers. Force triggers are useful when you want to view current asset data without waiting for the next scheduled acquisition.

You can perform a force trigger from the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) on the Trend viewer toolbar on the Data Viewer page or on the Devices or Device Dashboard page.

What Is the Duration and Sampling Rate of the Acquisition?

Devices perform force-triggered acquisitions according to the sampling rate, duration, and other periodic-acquisition settings configured in the web application.

Do Force Triggers Affect Regularly Scheduled Periodic Acquisitions?

No. Force-triggered acquisitions do not affect the timing of scheduled periodic acquisitions that devices perform.

Scheduling Temporary High-Resolution Data Acquisition

Schedule a high-resolution data acquisition on a device.

You can also schedule a burst data set collection to run on a device periodically so you can compare high-resolution data over time.

Complete the following steps to schedule high-resolution data acquisition on a device:

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Double-click a device and select the Device Properties tab.


    This tab is not available for thermal imaging device configuration pages.

  3. Select the Enable burst mode checkbox.

  4. In the Burst Collection Conditions section, click Time.

  5. In the Edit Condition dialog box, specify how frequently to acquire high-resolution data.

  6. In the Burst Collection Settings section, specify the sample rate in Hz and acquisition length in seconds that you want InsightCM to use for the scheduled high-resolution data acquisition.

  7. Update the device configuration.

Setting up Email Alarm Notifications

Configure InsightCM to send alarm notification emails.

Alarm notification emails are setup via one of two options, either the SMTP Configuration Option or the Microsoft 365 Email Configuration Option; only option can be used at a time.

Before you begin, configure your role with serverSettings_edit permissions, create an address group, and create an email template. Refer to Relationships Between User Accounts and Permissions for more information about permissions.

Email Configuration Options

The following steps describe the two options to setup alarm notification emails via either the SMTP Configuration Option or the Microsoft 365 Email Configuration Option.

SMTP Configuration Option
  1. On the server machine, in File Explorer, navigate to the ProgramData\Cutsforth\InsightCM\Auth folder.

  2. Open the SmtpConfiguration.json file in a text file editor.


    The InsightCM Server acts as an SMTP client and sends messages to an SMTP server when you edit this file with information about the SMTP server.

  3. Modify each line category according to your server information.

    "Host": "<servername>",

    "Port": "<port number>",

    "UseSsl": <true or false>,

    "RequireAuthentication": <true or false>,

    "Username": "<username>",

    "Password": "Secret\\Password", "Secret\"Password"


    If your password contains backslashes or double quotations, you must use double backslashes or a backslash and double quotations respectively as shown in the above example.

    "TimeoutSeconds": <number>,

    "FromAddress": "yes-reply@localhost",

    "TestMode": <true or false>


    Test Mode prevents the server from sending emails, even when you run commands from the InsightCM console. Enable the SMTP.Emails tracepoint to view messages that the server writes to the trace log.

  4. Save the .json file and open Windows Services.

  5. Find and select InsightCM <version> and click Restart.


    Restarting the InsightCM service enables the software to read the new SMTP settings.

Add an email template and address group to an alarm.

Microsoft 365 Email Configuration
Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) Configuration

Follow these steps to connect InsightCM to your Microsoft 365 tenant to send email notifications.

  1. Log into the Azure portal as an administrator of your tenant.

  2. Navigate to Entra ID.

  3. On the Overview page, make note of your Tenant ID. Use this value for the TenantID property in the InsightCM configuration.

  4. Create an app registration for InsightCM.

    1. Navigate to App registrations in the left navigation menu.

    2. Click New registration.

      1. Give the registration a descriptive name (e.g., "InsightCM Email").

      2. For Supported account types, select Accounts in this organizational directory only.

      3. Redirect URI is not necessary.

    3. After creating the app registration, take note of the application (client) ID. Use this value for the ClientID property in the InsightCM configuration.

  5. Create client credentials for your app registration.

    1. We support two options for Microsoft 365 credentials in InsightCM: client secrets (i.e., application passwords) and certificates. It is recommended to use a certificate for production applications.

    2. To use client secret credentials:

      1. In your app registration in Entra ID, navigate to Certificates & secrets.

      2. Under the Client secrets tab, click New client secret.

        1. Enter a description and an expiration date, and click Add.

      3. Take note of the secret value. This value will not be shown again after navigating away from this page. Use this value for the ClientSecret property in the InsightCM configuration.

    3. To use certificate credentials:

      1. Procure a certificate from a certificate authority, or generate a self-signed certificate (not recommended for production applications).

      2. In your app registration in Entra ID, navigate to Certificates & secrets.

      3. Under the Certificates tab, click Upload certificate.

      4. Select your certificate (public key) for upload, and provide a description.

      5. Once the certificate has been uploaded, take note of the certificate thumbprint. Use this value for the ClientCertificateThumbprint property in the InsightCM configuration.

      6. Import the certificate (with its private key) to a certificate store on the InsightCM server. Take note of the name and location of the certificate store where it is imported. Use these values for the ClientCertficateStoreName and ClientCertificateStoreLocation properties in the InsightCM configuration.

  6. Provide appropriate permissions to your app registration.

    1. Navigate to "API permissions" within your app registration.

    2. Click Add a permission.

    3. Select Microsoft Graph.

    4. Select Application permissions.

    5. Find and select the Mail.Send permission.

    6. Click Add permissions.

    7. Grant admin consent for permissions change by clicking Grant admin consent for [TENANT NAME].

  7. Get user object ID for mailbox to send from.

    1. From Entra ID, navigate to Users.

    2. Select the user account from which you want to send email.

    3. Take note of the user's Object ID. Use this value for the UserObjectId property in the InsightCM configuration.

  8. Provide configuration info to InsightCM.

    1. Locate and open the Microsoft365SendMailConfiguration.json file from C:\ProgramData\Cutsforth\InsightCM\Auth.

    2. Set the Enabled property to true.

    3. Enter the values from Entra ID gathered in the previous steps.

    4. The CredentialAuthorityHost property can usually be left as null, which defaults to the Azure Public Cloud. If your Microsoft 365 tenant is hosted in an Azure National Cloud, enter the appropriate Azure AD authentication endpoint URL for the CredentialAuthorityHost property.

  9. Restart the InsightCM service to adopt the new configuration.

Microsoft 365 Test Tenant Setup (For Internal Testing)

To test InsightCM Microsoft 365 email integration internally, create a Microsoft 365 developer sandbox. You can create the sandbox with preconfigured sample users so you won't have to create your own.

  • Note: Emails sent via Graph API through a Microsoft 365 trial account (e.g., a dev sandbox) will be rejected by other email providers and will not be delivered (not even to a spam folder). To verify that emails are being sent successfully, you have two options:

  1. Contact Microsoft support through your developer sandbox, explain that you are unable to send emails through the Graph API because your Microsoft 365 tenant has a trial license, and request that your tenant IP be added to an exclusion list.

  2. Instead of verifying that the emails are delivered, log in to the sandbox user's Outlook account (using the webapp) and verify that the ICM emails are in the "Sent" folder. There should also be "bounceback" emails in the sandbox user's inbox from the failed deliveries.

Testing Certificate Credentials

Follow these instructions to create and export a self-signed certificate for testing in PowerShell.

  • Note: If you create the certificate on a different machine than InsightCM is running on, make sure to export the certificate with its private key (i.e., as a .pfx file). Then, import the certificate (with private key) on the InsightCM server.

Creating Address Groups

Create and maintain lists of email addresses to which InsightCM sends alarms and other notifications.

If there are several users that need to receive certain email notifications, create an address group. Use address groups to keep a diverse portfolio of users informed regarding the state of InsightCM or the equipment it is monitoring. Complete the following steps to create a new address group and assign the group to an alarm rule.


To customize the email sent for a specific alarm rule, create an email template and assign it to the alarm rule. Refer to Creating Email Templates to learn how to do so.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Options.

  2. Navigate to the Notifications section, select Address Groups,and click the Add button.

  3. Enter a name for the address group in the Name text box.

  4. Enter valid user email addresses and separate each email address with a comma, new line, space, or semicolon.

  5. Configure the level of visibility that individual users have regarding other recipients of the same email notification by using the various recipient text boxes.

  6. Click OK to add the new address group to the Selected Group pull-down list.


    Once you add email addresses to an address group, keep at least one email address saved to the address group.

address group

Creating Email Templates

Create templates for email notifications that the InsightCM Server sends when an alarm is set.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Options.

  2. Scroll down to the Notifications section and select Email Templates.

  3. Select the default option from the Template pull-down.

  4. Click the Edit button to give the email template a descriptive name and click OK.

  5. Write a brief description of what information this template will send about an alarm.


    The contents of this description do not show up in the alarm email.

  6. Write an informative subject line for the email template.

  7. Write the contents of the email and click OK.


    Define email templates independently of address groups to pair one address group with multiple email templates or one email template with multiple address groups. You may want to notify a single individual when a low-severity alarm occurs, but notify several individuals with the same message when a high-severity alarm occurs.

Add your email template to an alarm rule.

Alarm Template Tokens

Email templates support the following tokens:

  • Asset Name: %AssetName%

  • Severity: %Severity%

  • Alarm Level: %Level%

  • Timestamp: %Timestamp%

  • Value: %Value%

  • OnDelay: %OnDelay%

  • OffDelay: %OffDelay%

For example, the following email template string will indicate which asset fired the alarm: “An alarm was raised on the following equipment: %AssetName%”

Adding an Email Template and Address Group to an Alarm

Assign an email template to an alarm level.

Before you begin, create an email template and create an address group.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Alarms.

  2. Select an alarm and click Edit.

  3. Under Levels, select an alarm severity level and click Edit.

  4. Select the Send Email checkbox.

  5. Select an address group.

  6. Select an email template.

  7. Click OK.

Testing Email Notifications

Use the console to test whether InsightCM sends email notifications successfully.

Before you begin, set up email alarm notifications.

  1. On the server computer, open Command Prompt.

  2. Navigate to the folder in which InsightCM is saved using the following command:

    cd C:\Program Files\Cutsforth\InsightCM
  3. Execute the following commands to test email notifications:

    InsightCMConsole.exe sendtestemail -grp [address group name]
  4. Verify whether a test email notification is sent to those in the address group.

address group

Acknowledging an Alarm

View the relevant data for and acknowledge a trend alarm.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Alarms > Active Trend.

  2. Select an alarm and click View to see the relevant Trend viewer data in the Alarm dialog.

  3. Click Acknowledge.

    As a result, you moved the alarm instance from the Active Trend Alarm tab to the Alarm Instances dialog, though you did not clear the instance.


    If the data rises above the set point a second time, InsightCM displays the alarm instance again on the Active Trend Alarms tab.

Conditions for Setting and Clearing Alarms

Alarm states and whether you acknowledge or clear the alarm determine the notification behavior of your configured alarms.

Alarm States

Once you begin collecting data, define conditions that set or clear an alarm. Alarms can have a combination of the following states.


InsightCM detected that conditions for an alarm rule have been met and created an alarm instance.


A user indicated awareness of the alarm.


Acknowledging an alarm does not clear it, so that if the conditions for setting the alarm are met again, a new alarm instance is not logged.


InsightCM detected that the alarm rule is no longer true. A cleared alarm remains on the Active Trend Alarms tab or Active Spectral Alarms tab until you acknowledge it.

The following table lists the different alarm states the web application displays on the Alarms page.




Location on Alarms page


Active Alarms tab


Active Alarms tab


Active Alarms tab


Alarm Instances dialog box


Alarm Changes State Without Acknowledgment

To demonstrate how an alarm enters a Set state, consider the following illustration where an alarm is set and cleared twice. Assume that you never acknowledged the alarm. In this example, the same alarm instance remains on the Active Trend Alarms tab or Active Spectral Alarms tab the entire time even though its status transitions to Clear twice. Since the first instance of the alarm was not acknowledged, InsightCM collects no additional data sets and issues no new notification when the alarm enters the Set state the second time.


Alarm set


Alarm clear


Alarm Changes State with Acknowledgment

Consider the same scenario and data as in the previous section. If you acknowledge the alarm at either time indicated by callout_3.gif in the following illustration, the web application moves the first alarm instance from one of the Active Alarms tab to the Alarm Instances dialog. When the data crosses the set threshold the second time, the web application displays a new alarm instance an Active Alarms tab.


Since the first instance of the alarm was acknowledged, InsightCM collects a new data set and issues a new notification when the alarm enters the Set state the second time.


Alarm set


Alarm clear


Times when acknowledging the alarm will cause the web application to move the first alarm instance to the Alarm Instances dialog box after its status becomes Clear.


Viewing Alarm State Timestamps

To see the timestamps of an alarm entering Set, Cleared, or Acknowledged states, double-click the alarm instance on the Active Alarms tab.

Alarms page.png
trend alarm ruleOn DelayOff Delayaddress groupSetAcknowledgedClearSetClearSetSetSetClearedAcknowledged

Data Sources

Modbus Communication

The InsightCM monitoring devices can read data using Modbus TCP or serial communication. Modbus data will be included in the trend points stored on the server and can be used in collection triggers and alarms.

  • Serial communication—The device can address one or more Modbus slaves and the Modbus slaves can communicate directly with the device.

  • Ethernet communication—The device establishes a TCP connection with a Modbus slave on a specific IP address and port. The device can support TCP connections to multiple Modbus slaves.

OPC UA Communication

The device acts as an OPC UA (Open Platform Communications Unified Architecture) client and initiates queries from the OPC UA Server. The device establishes a connection with the specific URL of the OPC UA Server. The device typically connects through TCP.

Historian Software

The device connects through TCP to the InsightCM server to access the historian software data.

Creating and Configuring a Data Source

Configure a data source from external sources, such as a Modbus Register, an OPC UA Tag, or a Historian Input.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Assets.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Data Sources to display the Data Sources dialog box.

  3. Click Add and select the type of data source you want to create.

  4. Specify a name for the data source and click OK.

  5. Select the new data source in the asset tree and configure the appropriate properties in the configuration panel.

  6. Select the Registers (for Modbus), Tags (for OPC UA), or Points (for Historian Input) tab.

  7. Click Add and configure the appropriate data source item properties.

  8. Click Close.

  9. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  10. Double-click a device and click the Data Sources tab in the device configuration page.

  11. Click Add and select the data source you created.

  12. Select the Modbus Register, OPC Tag, or Historian Input checkbox and click OK.


    If a Historian Input has already been created, no additional Historian Inputs may be created.

Data Source Type Properties

Modbus Read Channel Properties

The Modbus register supports properties that affect how the device reads data.

Property Name


Register Type

  • Discrete Input—The register addressed represents a sensor input or other Boolean value to read.

  • Coil—The register addressed represents an output or internal bit to read.

  • Input Register—The register addressed represents an analog input value or other integer value to read.

  • Holding Register—The register addressed represents an analog output or internal number to read.


The address of the Modbus Register to read

32-bit data type

If true, 32 bits will be read from the Register at the specified Address.

First word low (32-bit data type)

If checked, the 32-bit value read from the Register will have the low order word in the first 16 bits.

Floating-point (32-bit data type)

If checked, the 32-bit value read from the Register will be interpreted as a floating-point number.


Specifies the unit to be used for the Engineering Value read from the Register


The slope value, represented by m in the following equation: Engineering Value = m(Raw Value) + b.


The offset value, represented by b in the following equation: Engineering Value = m(Raw Value) + b.

Modbus Serial Data Source Properties

The Modbus Serial data source supports configurable properties that affect how the device communicates with the Modbus slave.


Modbus Serial properties are available only after you add a Modbus Serial data source.

Property Name



The address of the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate

Interval (sec)

How often the device process reads the Modbus slave, in seconds

Serial Type

The type of data transmission through serial ports:

  • RTU—Sends data using the Remote Terminal Unit (RTU), which is a binary data unit

  • ASCII—Sends data using human-readable characters

Baud Rate

The baud rate of the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate. The default is 9,600.


The parity of the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate

  • None—Use no parity bit. If you specify Vibration for parity, the number of stop bits indicating the end of a frame is 2.

  • Odd—Use odd parity. If you specify Odd for parity, the number of stop bits indicating the end of a frame is 1.5.

  • Even—Use even parity. If you specify Even for parity, the number of stop bits indicating the end of a frame is 1.5.

Stop bits

The number of stop bits used by the Modbus slave should reconfigure the misguided syntax globally you want to communicate with. You can select 1 or 2.

Data bits

The number of data bits used by the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate. You can select 7 or 8.

Flow Control

The flow control of the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate.

  • None—Does not use flow control. The transfer mechanism assumes buffers on both sides of the connection to be large enough to hold all data transferred.

  • XON/XOFF—Uses the XON and XOFF characters to perform flow control. When the receiving buffer is almost full, the transfer mechanism controls the input flow by sending XOFF. When the buffer receives XOFF, the transfer mechanism controls the output flow by suspending transmission.

  • RTS/CTS—Uses the RTS output signal and the CTS input signal to perform flow control. When the receiving buffer is almost full, the transfer mechanism controls the input flow by unasserting the RTS signal. When the buffer unasserts the CTS signal, the transfer mechanism controls the output flow by suspending the transmission.

  • XON/XOFF and RTS/CTS—Uses the XON and XOFF characters, the RTS output signal, and the CTS input signal to perform flow control. When the receiving buffer is almost full, the transfer mechanism controls the input flow by sending XOFF and unasserting the RTS signal. When the buffer receives XOFF, the transfer mechanism controls the output flow by suspending transmission.

  • DTR/DSR—Uses the DTR output signal and the DSR input signal to perform flow control. When the receiving buffer is almost full, the transfer mechanism controls the input flow by unasserting the DTR signal. When the buffer unasserts the DSR signal, the transfer mechanism controls the output flow by suspending the transmission.

  • XON/XOFF and DTR/DSR—Uses the XON and XOFF characters, the DTR output signal, and the DSR input signal to perform flow control. When the receiving buffer is almost full, the transfer mechanism controls the input flow by sending XOFF and unasserting the DTR signal. When the buffer receives XOFF and unasserts the DSR signal, the transfer mechanism controls the output flow by suspending transmission.

Read Timeout (sec)

How long the read process waits for a response from the Modbus slave when initializing or reading from the device. If the Modbus slave does not respond within the specified timeout, the device attempts to re-open a connection after 30 seconds.

Modbus TCP Data Source Properties

The Modbus TCP data source supports configurable properties that affect how the device communicates with the Modbus slave.


Modbus TCP properties are available only after you add a Modbus TCP data source.

Property Name


IP Address

The TCP/IP address of the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate.


The TCP port of the Modbus slave with which you want to communicate. The default is 502.

Interval (sec)

How often the InsightCM device process reads the Modbus slave device, in seconds.

Read Timeout (sec)

How long the read process waits for a response from the Modbus slave device when initializing or reading from the device. If the Modbus slave device does not respond within the specified timeout, the InsightCM device attempts to re-open a connection after 30 seconds.

Modifying Device Communication and Configuration

Review, update, and configure your devices for your condition-monitoring needs.

Before you begin, add a Cutsforth monitoring device.

Complete any of the following tasks to customize your devices in InsightCM.

Now that you have customized your devices in InsightCM, learn about and integrate a historian software.

Changing Device Configuration Settings

Configure device settings, such as endpoint mappings, data groups, channel mappings, sample rate, and hardware configuration.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Double-click a device to open its configuration page.

  3. Configure the settings you want to modify using the tabs in this device's configuration page.

    Mapping Device Channels and Data Groups

    Map each sensor to a device channel and put all sensors for one asset into a data group for which you can configure data collection behaviors.

    Creating and Configuring Data Sources

    Configure a data source from external sources, such as a Modbus Register, an OPC UA Tag, or a Historian Input.

    Device Property Configurations

    Learn how you can fine-tune file transfer and network performance for wireless and CMS devices.

    Updating a Device's Hardware Configuration

    Update your device's configuration in the web application, including the placement of modules within chassis slots, to match the physical device.

  4. Click Back to Devices.

  5. Select the device you updated and click Update Configuration to apply the changes.

Updating a Device's Hardware Configuration

Update your device's configuration in the web application, including the placement of modules within chassis slots, to match the physical device.

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Double-click the device whose hardware configuration you need to update and select the Hardware tab.

  3. Click Edit Hardware.

  4. Configure the IP address, controller type, and module arrangement as needed in the Edit Hardware dialog box.


    The module options for each slot may be limited according the slot place in the chassis.

Reintegrating Quarantined Endpoints

Re-establish communication with an endpoint without rebooting the MON-10496.

When an endpoint fails to communicate 5 times, the MON-10496 quarantines the endpoint, or ceases to attempt communication with the endpoint. Until you correct the cause of failure and re-establish communication, data is not collected from the quarantined endpoint.

Common reasons an endpoint fails to communicate:

  • The battery needs to be changed.

  • There is a significant obstruction between the endpoint and the MON-10496.

  1. On the main Dashboard, click Wireless to access the Wireless Dashboard.

  2. Select the quarantined endpoint.

  3. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Clear Quarantine.

  4. Confirm that the endpoint's status changes and that communication with the endpoint has been re-established.


    It may take several minutes for the endpoint status to update. The MON-10496 to communicate with endpoints 5 times every 15 minutes before quarantining unresponsive endpoints again.


Adding or Removing Units of Data

Allow or restrict specific units for channels with a certain measurement type.

The default setting for units in the web application is imperial. Refer to Changing Measurement Type Units to Metric to switch from imperial to metric.


Each sensor type can have one or more allowed units. The units you allow for a sensor type also determines in what units InsightCM calculates features.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Units.

  2. Select a sensor type.

  3. Click Add Unit or Remove Unit to specify what units each sensor type can use.

Supported Units

See the imperial and metric units for each measurement type.

Measurement Type










mil, volt, in

m, mm, micron















m/s, mm/s




Changing Measurement Type Units to Metric

Change the measurement type units to metric.

Complete the following steps to switch to metric units.

  1. Open a command prompt on the server machine and change to the following directory:

    C:\Program Files\Cutsforth\InsightCM\
  2. Run the following command:

    InsightCMConsole.exe importdefinition -t unit -f "C:\ProgramData\Cutsforth\
  3. Check that the command prompt reports "Success:".

  4. Run the following command:

    InsightCMConsole.exe exportdefinition -t asset -n <sensor name> 
    -o "<full path to output definition file>"
  5. Open the definition file using a text editor.

  6. Find the property definition where the key value is Unit and change the value of DefaultValue to the appropriate metric unit.

  7. Save the file and run the following command:

    InsightCMConsole.exe importdefinition -t asset -f 
    "<fullpath to definition file>"
  8. Repeat steps 4 through 7 for each sensor definition you want to update.

Updating Device Software

Review the application types and versions running on each device and update the application and firmware that the device runs.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Click the Software tab and select one or more online devices.


    The devices you select must be of the same type.

  3. Depending on your updating goal, complete one of the following steps.

    Update the application on one or more devices to the latest version on InsightCM.

    Click Update Application.


    • This operation requires devices to reboot and might take several minutes to complete.

    • The web application does not allow you to update applications for devices with a disabled connection status.

    Verify the latest application is running on a device.

    Compare the Configured Version and Latest Version columns in the device table to see if a more recent application version is available on the server.

    Resolve persistent errors with the device operation. This step should only be taken with a recommendation from Cutsforth, as there may be solutions other than formatting the device.

    Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Format Device.

Upgrading Device Hardware

Upgrade your device hardware in InsightCM to match the device types that you have while keeping existing asset mappings intact.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Select a device and click Edit.

  3. Select the Hardware tab and click Upgrade Hardware.

  4. Specify which device type you are upgrading to using the pull-down and click OK.


    Since this action cannot be undone, ensure that you are upgrading the correct device before confirming the change.

    The changes are applied automatically.

  5. If the IP address of your upgraded device has also changed, click Edit Hardware to update that information.

Uploading or Removing Software Packages

Update the system image on your monitoring devices by uploading the new image versions to InsightCM and deploying the image to your devices.

Before you begin, download the version of the device image you wish to deploy.

To add or remove firmware versions from InsightCM, complete the following steps.

  1. In InsightCM, click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Utilities > Package Management.

  2. Click Upload, select the system image you wish to deploy to your devices, and click Open.

  3. Select the outdated image(s) and click Remove.

  4. Click Configuration (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select Devices to navigate to the Device Configuration page.

  5. Select the Software tab.

  6. Select one or more devices of the same toolkit and type.

  7. Click Update Application to apply the new image.


    To update the firmware for your devices, click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Update Firmware.

  8. Verify that the Deployment Status updates to Successful.

What Happens to Files When You Update Device Applications

When you update applications on a device, the device deletes log files (including the tracelog) and configuration files.

To manually retrieve any type of file from the device disk, Cutsforth recommends using WebDAV, a protocol that enables you to securely manipulate files on your target, to retrieve files. Files on the device are located at /home/lvuser/natinst/LabVIEW Data/InsightCM.


For information about configuring WebDAV on a host computer and transferring files from the device, visit and enter the Info Code WebDAVTransfer to access the Cutsforth support document Using WebDAV to Transfer Files to Your Real-Time Target.

Review Detailed Device Information

Review a summary of device information from the most recently acquired sensor data.

Device Dashboard page.png
  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Watch data update while the device performs an acquisition, reboots, or you test its connection using the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png).

  3. Click the View menu (noloc_env_viewmenu.png) to navigate to the Device Configuration page and update settings in a device's configuration.


    The Features table updates only when data is available from a channel whose status is okay.

  4. Click the View menu (noloc_env_viewmenu.png) to navigate to the Device Health Dashboard page and evaluate the health of a device by viewing statistical data, including graphs of available memory, CPU usage, drive space, and the response time to pings, over a configurable time range.

Device Property Configurations

You can fine-tune file transfer and network performance for wireless and CMS devices using the following features.

Burst Mode - A mode that you can configure on a device to enable the manual or scheduled acquisition of high-resolution data.

Sample Rate - You can configure the sample rate for channels on Cutsforth 923x modules only. Devices always sample from static channels on other module types at 1 Hz and for one second. For more information, refer to Frequently Asked Questions about Sample Rates and Durations .

Time Trigger Offset - An amount of time, in seconds, to delay time-based acquisitions. For example, if a device is configured to perform an acquisition daily at 1:00 PM, and the value of this property is 110 seconds, the device waits until 1:01:50 PM to perform the acquisition. This property is useful for spreading out network traffic when many devices are configured to perform acquisitions at a specific time of day.

FAQs on Sample Rates and Durations


At what sample rate do devices acquire data?


You can configure the sample rate for waveform channels on dynamic modules, such as the Cutsforth 9232, on the Device Configuration page by double-clicking on a device and selecting the Device Properties tab. However, devices always sample from channels that produce single-point values, such as voltage and temperature, at 1 Hz. If a device contains both types of channels, the device samples them at different rates.


Can you configure unique sample rates or acquisition durations for each channel?



  • All waveform channels on a device share the same configurable sample rate.

  • All single-point channels are sampled at 1 Hz.

If you must sample from two nearby sensors at different rates, consider using two different devices, each with a unique sample rate.


How do devices log single-point data during a multi-second acquisition?


When a device contains both waveform and single-point channels, you configure the duration of acquisitions on the Operating States tab of the Asset Configuration page for the equipment the device is monitoring. However, devices always log only the final value from single-point channels. Consider the following example where a device acquires from one waveform channel and one single-point channel for four seconds.


The full, four-second acquisition. The device logs waveform data throughout the acquisition.


The temperature value from the final second. This is the only temperature value the device logs from this acquisition.

MCSA Device Properties

The Device Properties tab contains a table of properties of the device sample rate and the minimum and maximum current RMS value for the device to calculate all the configured Motor (MCSA) asset features.

The following are built-in properties:

  • Sample Rate—Sample rates of 5,000 Hz and 10,000 Hz are supported.

  • Minimum Working Current (%FLA)—The minimum current RMS value of a motor for the device to calculate all the configured features (except Percent Full Load Amps) that belong to the Motor channel, as a percentage of the motor Full Load Amps. The default is 25%.

  • Maximum Working Current (%FLA)—The maximum current RMS value of a motor for the device to calculate all the configured features (except Percent Full Load Amps) that belong to the Motor channel, as a percentage of the motor Full Load Amps. The default is 200%.

If the instantaneous current RMS of a motor is below Minimum Working Current or above Maximum Working Current, the device only calculates the Percent Full Load Amps feature. The Rotor Bar Sideband feature returns a -100 dB value and other non-calculated features return a zero value.

Burst ModeSample RateTime Trigger Offset

Resetting a Device to Factory Settings

Reset a device to its original application image.

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Select the Software tab.

  3. Select a device.

  4. Select the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Reset to Factory Default.

quarantinesBurst ModeSample RateTime Trigger Offset

Modifying an Asset Type

Modify properties, default feature sets, default trend alarm rules, data validation, and default fault frequency sets for all assets of a specific type.

  1. Click the Configuration button (noloc_env_config.png) and ensure that you are on the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Edit Asset Definitions.

  3. Select the asset type that you would like to edit.

  4. Select the tab within the asset type editor in which you would like to make changes.


    • The web application will automatically save and apply edits you make to the properties or data validation tabs to all existing and future assets of this type in your asset tree.

    • You need to select and toggle to default new or existing features to apply them to existing and future assets.

Editing the Behavior of an Asset Type

Edit how an asset type behaves in the web application.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) to navigate to the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Edit Asset Definitions.

    • Enable operating state, speed reference, and streaming capabilities for an asset type.

      • Click the Edit button in the Capabilities field to see the configuration options for whatever capabilities are available for an asset type.

    • Define categories to describe an asset type.

      • Click the Edit button in the Categories field to display the Select Categories dialog box.

      • Add, remove, and reorder categories to describe the asset type.


    The categories assigned to a definition determine which capabilities are available for that asset type.

    • Define the kind of measurement you want the asset type to perform.

      • Place a checkmark in the Waveform or Single Point checkbox to indicate how you want the asset type to acquire data.

      • Use the Measurement Type listbox to specify the kind of measurement you want the asset type to perform.


    Note the kinds of measurements an asset of any type can perform are limited by the kind of channel to which the asset is assigned.

    • Add, remove, or edit asset types derived from a source asset type.

      • Use the Local Definition Types section to specify the asset types you want to be derived from the source and how many instances of the derived asset type a user can create.


    Only asset types with Local Scope enabled appear in the Type listbox.

    • Define a scheme for automatically creating unique names for derived assets when a user adds them on the Asset Configuration page.

      • In the Name Format field, enter a name that describes the asset type and include the variable {0} somewhere in the name.


    When a user adds an asset of this type, the web application automatically replaces {0} with the name of the source asset type. For example, if a user adds an asset type with a name format of {0} Double Integrated as a derived asset on an asset named Main Accelerometer, the web application automatically generates the name Main Accelerometer Double Integrated.

    • Specify what label the web application displays for the derived asset type.

      • Enter a value in the Label that describes the derived asset type and differentiates it from other derived assets.


    This is the label that appears on the Properties tab of any instance of the source asset on the Asset Configuration page next to the button for adding or removing the derived asset.

Collecting Data

Update data collection configurations for assets according to your condition monitoring needs.



Configuring Data Collection for Wireless Equipment

Select the endpoint type, set the sample rate, acquisition length, collection time(s), gate source, and sensors associated with the device.

Configuring Collection Conditions for Thermal Imaging Devices

Specify how often the device collects data, a delta EU trigger, or an advanced collection condition.

Deactivating Sensors

Shut off data collection for sensors.

Disabling Assets

Shut off data collection for an asset and all child assets.

Configuring Data Collection for Wireless Equipment

Configure data collection behaviors for your wirelessly monitored asset.

  1. Click Configuration > Assets.

  2. Select a wirelessly monitored equipment asset.

  3. Select the Collection tab.

  4. Select the endpoint type using the pull-down in that section.

  5. Configure Sample Rate and Acquisition Length using the text fields.


    These settings may affect the wireless gateway device's data acquisition and battery life performance.

  6. Use the Collect At pull-down to define the time(s) you want your device to collect data.

  7. To change the gate source, click the Edit button near Gate and click the Edit button within the Select Gate Source dialog box.


    You can only select the features for each sensor asset within the wirelessly monitored equipment.

  8. Use the Compare To spin box to configure a feature value, then click OK.


    If the feature data falls below the Compare To value, no data will be collected.

  9. Choose when and how often to retry the acquisition if the gate condition is not met.

  10. Under Sensors, click Add to add sensors associated with the equipment you want to monitor.

    If a sensor is not listed here, you cannot map them on the sensor mapping page.

Configuring Collection Conditions for Thermal Imaging Devices

Collection conditions are evaluated on the thermal imaging device to determine when to send data sets and trend points to the server.

Complete the following steps to specify when a device collects camera data.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and ensure you are on the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Expand the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Cameras.

  3. Select a camera from the list in the Cameras dialog box and select Data Collection.

  4. Configure the Time, Delta EU, and/or Advanced conditions as needed.


    After you configure the device, cameras, ROIs, and collection conditions, you must notify the device that the configuration has been changed. Select the device from the list of devices on the Devices tab of the Device Configuration page and click Update Configuration.

Deactivating a Sensor

Shut off sensor data collection to minimize the collection of erroneous data due to a faulty sensor.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png).

  2. Locate the sensor you need to deactivate.

  3. Right-click the sensor and select Deactivate.

    A notification pops up and the sensor should have a red marking to indicate when you successfully deactivate a sensor.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed.

Disabling Assets

Shut off data collection for assets (including child assets and sensors) to minimize the collection of erroneous data.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png).

  2. Locate the asset you need to disable.

  3. Right-click the asset and select Disable.

    A notification pops up and the asset should have a red marking to indicate when you successfully disable an asset.


    Child assets or sensors of the disabled asset also do not collect data though they are unmarked.

  4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 as needed.

Adding Bearings or Fault Frequency Groups to an Asset

Configure the web application to note known frequencies that are problematic on the Asset Configuration page.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and ensure you are on the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Right-click on an asset and select Add fault frequencies to add the Fault Frequencies tab to your asset's configuration panel.

  3. Click Add in the Bearings section.

    Select a bearing from the database.

    1. Find and select the bearing you want to add.

    2. Click OK.

    Create a new bearing.

    1. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Create.

    2. Provide a unique name to the bearing.

    3. Provide values for FTF, BSF, BPFO, and BPFI.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Find and select the bearing you created.

    6. Click OK.

  4. Create fault frequency groups to define a set of fault frequencies to refer to by name.

    1. Click Add in the Fault Frequency Groups section.

    Select a fault frequency group from the database.


    No fault frequencies will be found the first time you add a fault frequency group.

    1. Find and select the fault frequency group you want to add.

    2. Click OK.

    Create a new fault frequency group.

    1. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Create.

    2. Provide a unique name to the fault frequency group.

    3. Click Add.

    4. Provide a unique name for the fault frequency.

    5. Select the type of frequency.

    6. Designate what level the frequency is.

    7. Click OK.

    8. Repeat steps 3–7 to add new fault frequencies as needed.

    9. Click OK.

    10. Select the fault frequency group you created and click OK.

Configuring Phantom Sensors

InsightCM supports the following Erbessd Phantom wireless sensors: V10E, V11E, ATX15, ATX16, T20, T25, T70, and S40.

Commission Phantom Gateway

Before adding Phantom wireless sensor assets, commission the Phantom Gateway so it connects to InsightCM.

  1. Plug an ethernet-wired connection into the Phantom Gateway.

  2. Power on the Gateway.

  3. Note the displayed IP address on the Gateway screen.

  4. Open a web browser window and access the Gateway IP address.

  5. Update the firmware of the Phantom Gateway:

    • Contact Cutsforth support to download the Phantom Gateway firmware officially supported by InsightCM.

    • Manually apply the firmware update on the System tools tab.

  6. Pair Phantom Sensors to the Gateway using the Live State menu. Click the Pair button before configuring the sensor in InsightCM.

  7. Within the General menu, ensure that “Send data to EI Monitor/PhantomLib” and “Store data offline until manually collected” are both checked.


Optional: Within the General menu one has the options to setup a static IP address, and enable Wi-Fi and unplug the ethernet-wired connection after Wi-Fi configuration.

Add Phantom Equipment Assets

  1. Click the Configuration Wrench.png button and ensure that you are on the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Click Add and select either Equipment » Phantom Equipment or Equipment » Phantom Rotating Equipment in the New Asset dialog box and click OK. Please note that only the Phantom Rotating Equipment type can be used with vibration sensors, the Phantom Equipment type does not have this limitation.

  3. In the right-side configuration panel, select the Sensors tab.

  4. Enter the Gateway IP address in the IP address textbox.

  5. Optionally enter the Gateway Password in the textbox, if the Gateway has a password previously configured using the Security menu on the Gateway configuration web page.

  6. Click on the Equipment node in the asset tree and within the Properties tab in the right-side configuration panel click on Update Configuration. Please note that the Update Configuration button needs to be clicked anytime a change is made to Phantom sensors or equipment nodes to apply changes.

  7. In the Sensors tab, click on Discover.

  8. Sensors within range of the Gateway will appear. Select a paired sensor and click OK.

  9. New sensor nodes will appear in the left asset tree.

    a. Alternative: Instead of using Discover, users have the option to manually add sensors in the asset tree list first.

    1. Click Add and select Sensors » Phantom and select the appropriate sensor. Within the right Properties tab enter the Serial Number.

    2. After specifying a serial number, click the Add button on the Sensors tab to add them to the equipment node.

Phantom Node Properties

  • Rotating Equipment has three Speed Types available in the Properties tab: Fixed Speed, Phantom Speed Sensor, and Data Source Speed.

  • Phantom sensors have properties to configure their collection settings. Note, these settings may have an impact on sensor battery life. Please refer to the Erbessd website for Phantom sensor property details.


Assigning Features to Sensors

Specify what features you want an asset to calculate.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select a sensor-level asset.

  2. Click the Features tab in the asset's configuration panel.


    This tab is available only on sensors that produce data sets.

  3. Click Add.

  4. Select one or more features in the Add Features dialog box and click OK.

  5. Define what feature property is calculated for an asset by selecting a feature.


    Not all features have properties to edit.

  6. Click Edit to display the Properties dialog box for that particular feature.

  7. Configure any properties you want to and click Close.


    If you do not see the feature you want to add, you may need to add the feature on the Asset Definition page.

Defining Feature Options for Sensors

Define which features are appropriate and available by creating a default set of features for the server to automatically assign to each sensor type.

Complete the following steps to review the predefined sets of features in the web application and to make changes at the system or asset level.


You can also manually assign additional features that are not part of a sensor's set of features.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and ensure you are on the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Edit Asset Definitions.

  3. Select the sensor for which you want to add a feature.

  4. Click the Features tab in the definition panel.


    Some items in the features list have Yes in the Default column to indicate the items are predefined features. Features can have their default setting toggled to Yes so that all new sensors will have that feature. Removing the toggled default setting does not remove features from existing sensors.

  5. Click the Add button and a dialog box will prompt you to select from additional features you can assign to the asset definition.


    If the dialog box is empty, no additional features are available.

  6. Select one or more features to add to an asset definition and click OK.

  7. To push the added feature to future instances of this sensor type, highlight the feature list and click the Toggle Default button.

  8. Add to the features available in the system.

    1. Click the Navigation menu.

    2. Hover over System and select Features.

    3. Click Add and hover over or select the type of feature you would like to add to the system.

    4. Enter a name and parameters for a new feature in the resulting dialog box and click OK.


      Any features you add to the system will be identifiable by the user glyph.

Batch Editing Assets

InsightCM allows users to edit multiple assets at one time using an exported spreadsheet.

Complete the following steps to update an exported asset spreadsheet and apply the changes to the asset tree in the web application:

  1. In the navigation bar at the top of the page, click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) to navigate to the Asset Configuration page.

  2. Click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Import/Export » Export Asset Spreadsheet. You can choose to export the entire asset tree or only the section you have selected.

  3. Navigate to the exported spreadsheet on your computer and open it.

  4. Fill out the relevant sections in the spreadsheet.

  5. Save the file after you have finished making changes.

  6. Back on the Asset Configuration page, click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Import/Export » Import Asset Spreadsheet to display the Import Asset dialog box.

  7. Click the Browse button (noloc_env_folder.png) to select the exported spreadsheet from your computer and apply your changes to the asset tree.

Asset Definition Spreadsheets

InsightCM allows users to edit multiple assets at one time using an exported spreadsheet.


Asset spreadsheets contain the following tabs with their respective columns:

  • AssetNodes—The settings that determine the functionality of an asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Type—The name of the asset type, such as Accelerometer, Tachometer, or true.

    • Disabled—Disables the asset if set to true.

    • MeasType—Indicates whether the asset acquires data as a waveform or a single point and what type of measurement you want the asset to perform. For example,

    • Categories—Categories that describe the asset type and determine what capabilities are available for the asset type, such as Dynamic, RotatingEquipment, or Accelerometer.

  • AssetNodeProperties—The properties that are available for an asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • PropertyName—The name that the InsightCM web application displays for the property.

    • PropertyValue—The value you want the InsightCM web application to set for the property when you import the spreadsheet.

  • OperatingStates—The operating states that are available for an asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Name—The name of the operating state that the InsightCM web application displays.

  • OperatingStateProperties—The properties an operating state has when it is assigned to a specific asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • OperatingState—The operating state to which the property defined in this row applies.

    • PropertyName—The name of the property that the InsightCM web application displays.

    • PropertyValue—The value you want the InsightCM web application to set for the property when you import the spreadsheet.

  • Triggers—The triggers that are available on an operating state assigned to a specific asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • OperatingState—The name of the operating state to which the property applies.

    • Type—The kind of trigger you want to configure. For example,

    • Expression—The expression or combination of expressions required to activate the trigger.

  • TriggerConditions—The trigger conditions that are available for each trigger on an operating state assigned to a specific asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • OperatingState—The name of the operating state to which the trigger condition applies.

    • TriggerType—Which trigger the condition applies to.

    • Type—Specifies whether the trigger is time-based, such as- Cron, Timespan, or Trend.

    • Source—The feature that determines a feature-based trigger.

    • Operator—How the InsightCM web application compares the trend value to the compare value (For example, Greater than or Equal to).

    • CompareTo—The value that the InsightCM web application compares the trend value to.

    • DwellSeconds—How long the trigger condition must be true before the InsightCM web applications activates the trigger.

  • Features—The features that are available for an asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Feature—The name of the feature that the InsightCM web application displays.

  • FeatureProperties—The properties a feature has when assigned to a specific asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Feature—The name of the feature to which the property applies.

    • PropertyName—The name of the property that the InsightCM web application displays.

    • PropertyValue—The value you want the InsightCM web application to set for the property when you import the spreadsheet.

  • TrendAlarmRules—Alarm rules for features assigned to a specific asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Id—The string that other sections of the spreadsheet use to reference the alarm rule.

    • TrendName—The name of the feature to which the alarm rule applies.

    • Operator—How the InsightCM web application compares the trend value to the compare value. For example, Greater than or Equal to.

    • OperatingState—The operating state or states to which the alarm rule applies.

    • Hysteresis—An offset from the set point whose value causes InsightCM Server to clear the alarm when crossed.

    • OnDelaySeconds—The amount of time, in seconds, the set point must remain crossed before InsightCM Server sets the alarm.

    • OffDelaySeconds—The amount of time, in seconds, the hysteresis level must remain crossed before InsightCM Server clears the alarm.

    • AutoConfigCalc—Specifies whether to automatically configure levels from baseline values.

    • Disabled—Disables the alarm rule when set to true

  • TrendAlarmLevels—How alarm levels are calculated for specific alarm rules.

    • RuleId—A string that specifies which alarm rule the level applies to.

    • Severity—The urgency of the level.

    • CompareTo—The value that the InsightCM web application compares the trend value to.

    • AutoConfig—Specifies whether to automatically configure levels from baseline values.

  • AlarmActions—Specifies whether the InsightCM web application takes any action when a specific alarm is set.

    • AlarmId—A string that specifies which alarm rule the action applies to.

    • Severity—The urgency of the alarm level.

    • ActionName—A name that distinguishes this action from others.

    • Type—Specifies whether to send an email notification when the alarm is set.

  • AlarmActionProperties—The action the InsightCM web application takes when a specific alarm is set.

    • AlarmId—A string that specifies which alarm rule the action applies to.

    • Severity—The urgency of the alarm level.

    • ActionName—The name of the action the property applies to.

    • PropertyName—Specifies whether this property specifies an address group or an email template.

    • PropertyValue—A string that specifies a particular address group or email template.

  • SpectralAlarmRules—Spectral alarm rules for features assigned to a specific asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Id—The string that other sections of the spreadsheet use to reference the alarm rule.

    • OperatingState—The operating state or states to which the alarm rule applies.

    • Unit—Specifies the units used to measure sensor data on the asset the sensor monitors.

    • Integration—Specifies the type of integration, if any, to apply to asset data to check for this rule.

    • Cutoff—Specifies the frequency, in Hz, for the highpass filter when performing double integration on asset data.

  • SpectralAlarmLevels—How alarm levels are calculated for specific spectral alarm rules.

    • RuleId—A string that specifies which alarm rule the level applies to.

    • Severity—The urgency of the level.

    • CompareTo—The value that the InsightCM web application compares the trend value to.

  • SpectralAlarmActions—Specifies whether the InsightCM web application takes any action when a specific spectral alarm is set.

    • AlarmId—A string that specifies which alarm rule the action applies to.

    • Severity—The urgency of the alarm level.

    • ActionName—A name that distinguishes this action from others.

    • Type—Specifies whether to send an email notification when the alarm is set.

  • SpectralAlarmActionProperties—The action the InsightCM web application takes when a specific spectral alarm is set.

    • AlarmId—A string that specifies which alarm rule the action applies to.

    • Severity—The urgency of the alarm level.

    • ActionName—The name of the action the property applies to.

    • PropertyName—Specifies whether this property specifies an address group or an email template.

    • PropertyValue—A string that specifies a particular address group or email template.

  • FaultFrequencies—Known frequencies that are problematic for an asset so that the InsightCM web application notes them on the Data Viewer page.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Name—A unique name for the fault frequency.

    • Type—Specifies whether the fault level is in orders or frequency.

    • Level—The fault level.

  • NamedGroups—The name of a group of fault frequencies assigned to an asset.

    • FullName—The full path to the asset in the asset tree with each level separated by pipes. For example,

    • Type—Enter

      fault frequencies

      as the value for this column.

    • Name—A unique name for the fault frequency group.

Batch Updating Device Configurations with a Device Spreadsheet

Edit batch configurations in a device spreadsheet to make updates to multiple devices that you already configured in the web application.

  1. Click Configuration (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Select the device(s) you want to update.

  3. From the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png), hover over Import/Export, select Export Devices Spreadsheet, and then choose whether to export configurations for devices you selected in step 2 or all devices.

  4. The web application downloads a spreadsheet file to your computer. Create a copy of the downloaded file. If you introduce errors while editing the spreadsheet and then import the errors, you can then import the copy, which allows you to return device configurations to a working state.

  5. Open the .xlsx device spreadsheet file.


    The spreadsheet contains several worksheets that define different types of device-configuration properties. The spreadsheet links related properties in separate worksheets via the names in the spreadsheet. For example, the Channels worksheet identifies which data group owns the channels by specifying the data group name as defined on the DataGroups worksheet.

  6. Edit the properties of interest in the spreadsheet. For example, you might want to change the sample rate on multiple devices at the same time.

  7. To apply your changes to the device configurations in the web application, return to the Device Configuration page, and select import the device spreadsheet from the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png).

Validating Sensor Data

Ensure that sensors are returning valid data.

Ensure that sensors are returning valid data. Review data validation errors on the Notifications page.

  1. Click the Navigation menu (noloc_env_navmenu.png) and select System > Asset Definitions.

  2. Choose and complete one of the tasks below for an asset type according to how you need your sensor data validated.

    • Enable data validation rule options.

      1. Ensure that the Data Validation checkbox is enabled.

    • Set a rule to check that waveform values are within a specified range.

      1. Ensure that the Range Check checkbox is enabled.

      2. Use the Maximum EU and Minimum EU fields to specify a range of acceptable values. See Difference Between Range Check and Input Range for more information.

    • Set a rule to check that consecutive waveform values do not remain the same for more than the specified number of samples.

      1. Ensure that the N Rule checkbox is enabled.

      2. Use the Maximum Samples field to specify the maximum number of consecutive samples for which waveform values can remain the same.

    • Set a rule to check that consecutive waveform values do not have the same sign for more than a specified amount of time.

      1. Ensure that the Z Rule checkbox is enabled.

      2. Use the Maximum Time field to specify the maximum amount of time that consecutive waveform values can have the same sign.

    • Set a rule to ensure that all waveforms have a minimum percentage of unique values.

      1. Place a checkmark in the U Rule checkbox.

      2. Use the Minimum Percent field to specify the minimum percentage of unique values for a given waveform.

    • Set a rule to check that the ratio of the Peak feature to the Peak-Peak feature is within the range you specify.

      1. Ensure that the Pk/Pk-Pk checkbox is enabled.

      2. Use the Minimum Ratio and Maximum Ratio fields to specify a range of acceptable peak ratio values.

    • Set a rule to check for a suspect amount of energy at line frequency.

      1. Place a checkmark in the Line Noise checkbox.

      2. Use the Line Frequency field to specify the line frequency.


        The InsightCM Server does not apply this rule if the running speed is within 20% of the specified line frequency.

    • Set a rule to check for waveforms with low RMS levels.

      1. Ensure that the Low Signal checkbox is enabled.

      2. Use the Maximum RMS field to specify the highest acceptable RMS value.

    • Set a rule to check for too much low frequency energy.

      1. Ensure that the Ski Slope checkbox is enabled.

Difference Between Range Check and Input Range

The Range Check: Minimum and Range Check: Maximum properties are the minimum and maximum values you expect to measure after any scaling. These values are sometimes confused with the Input Range property. Input Range refers only to the input range of a particular device, in the pre-scaled units the device measures. For example, the Input Range for a module might be 0 to 10 V, but that module might be used with a temperature sensor that outputs 100 mV for every 1 °C. The Range Check: Minimum and Range Check: Maximum in that case could be 0 to 100 V, with 10 V corresponding to 100 °C.

In this example, you could set the Custom Scale: Slope property to 0.01 to implement the conversion from V to °C.

Audit Logger Tab on System Page

The server logs errors and certain events, such as when services start and when an asset is updated.

Ensure that you are on the Audit Logger tab of the System page by clicking the Navigation menu, hovering over Utilities, and selecting Audit Logger.

By default, only the last 30 days of events are retained on the server. You may filter the data events by clicking the Filter By... button, or by clicking header of each column to automatically filter in ascending order.

trend alarm ruleOn DelayOff Delayaddress groupSetAcknowledgedClearSetClearSetSetSetClearedAcknowledgedquarantinesBurst ModeSample RateTime Trigger Offset
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