Related Products: |
EMMK-101, EMMK-102, EMMK-103 |
Related Documents: |
ISCM-0380, ISCM-0385 |
Type: |
Operation |
Keywords/Labels: |
trend baseline, individual trend values, historical data, downsampling, comparing measurements |
Summary: |
This article provides reference material for baselines and data events. |
Trend baselines determine the values that InsightCM uses to create trend alarms.
Complete the following steps to create a trend baseline for an asset.
Click the Navigation menu () and select System > Trend Baselines. .
In the Trend Baselines dialog box, select the asset for which you want to create a baseline.
Click Add.
In the Create Trend Baselines dialog box, select an operating state.
Click OK.
When you view data, the cursor appears as a vertical red line that intersects the plot at a point where a data set was acquired, as shown in the image below.
Complete the following steps to move the cursor to a data set of interest on a trend plot.
Click the Data Viewer () button.
Click the Annotate Data Sets button on the Trend viewer toolbar to show all points where data was acquired.
Double-click the data set you want to inspect. You can also press the <Left-arrow> or <Right-arrow> keys to move the cursor from data set to data set. Although the Trend viewer calculates feature trend points even when no data is acquired, you can only place the cursor at points where there are data sets.
When you place the cursor on a data set in the Trend viewer, the other viewers automatically update with sensor data from the selected data set.
Analyze historical periodic data by loading a feature in the Trend viewer and then loading the data set in a waveform, spectrum, or other sensor data viewer.
The Trend viewer serves as a master viewer for the workspace because you load and browse feature trends to see sensor data.
Complete the following steps to load a trend and view the sensor data that comprise the trend:
Click the Data Viewer () button.
Select an asset feature to load its data in the Trend viewer. To load data from multiple features in the Trend viewer, <Ctrl-click> to select multiple features or <Shift-click> to select a range of features.
Click the Annotate Data Sets button on the Trend viewer toolbar to flag trend points that have data sets associated with them.
Double-click a point on the trend plot that has a data set. The sensor data viewers update corresponding to the data set for that trend value. If a viewer remains empty, it might not support the sensor whose features you loaded. Refer to the Unsupported Sensors for Sensor Data Viewers section below for more information.
The following workspace shows the result of selecting a feature from the asset tree. Notice the trend plot includes a point for each acquisition over a period of several days. The Waveform and Spectrum viewers display the sensor data acquired at the position of the cursor within the Trend viewer.
Unsupported Sensors for Sensor Data Viewers
Some sensor data viewers display data only when the Trend viewer contains features from certain sensors. Consider the following examples:
Waveform and Spectrum viewers support sensors that acquire waveforms rather than single-point measurements such as temperature.
The Orbit viewer supports only pairs of displacement sensors connected to orthogonal probes that have the same tachometer reference.
In this situation, sensor data viewers remain empty until you load features from supported sensors in the Trend viewer. Refer to Available Viewers and Options for Configuring Them for sensor support considerations for each viewer.
Conditions Where Data is Unavailable
Although you have access to all data stored on the InsightCM Server, the following factors can affect your ability to load the data:
In Periodic Data mode, the Trend viewer has a time-range property that controls the length of trends you load. Even if more data is available on the InsightCM Server, the Trend viewer displays only data from the configured time range.
If administrators set data-aging rules, the server automatically deletes historical data when a set amount of time passes. Aging is useful for conserving space on the server. However, to prevent InsightCM from deleting certain trend values and sensor data due to its age, you can mark the data to be retained.
In Stream Data mode, you can only load trends from equipment that is part of a stream. Also, the time range in viewers is restricted to the duration of the stream you load, so you cannot see additional data even from equipment that is part of the stream.
Because of screen resolution constraints, the viewer may not be able to display every point in a data set. As a result, some viewers downsample data by default so that viewers can load data faster and conserve memory. This means that the viewer displays only the data points necessary to generate an accurate plot.
When you zoom within a viewer with downsampling enabled, InsightCM queries the server for new data to display. Therefore, the viewer resolution remains the same even though the zoomed view displays fewer points than the original view.
To disable downsampling, complete the following:
Compare measurements from multiple points in time or from multiple pieces of equipment by creating data event references that you can show in a chart later.
Complete the following steps to create a data event reference:
Click the Data Viewer () button.
Select an asset.
Select a trend point to create a data event reference for the Trend viewer.
Click the Action menu () and select Data Event » Create Data Event Reference.
In the Choose Reference Type dialog box, choosing creates one of the types of references given below. These references can be used to mark specific data events from an asset and show that data alongside other data from the same asset.
Baseline—The default data reference.
Slow-Roll—The reference InsightCM uses to calculate slow-roll compensation if you enable slow-roll compensation on the Order Waveform or Spectrum viewer.
Temporary—A data reference that disappears after 24 hours.
Other—A reference you create for any other reason.
Click OK.
On the Data Viewer page, click Select a Data Event Reference and select the data event reference you created.
In any viewer on the Data Viewer page, click Show Reference to display the reference you selected.