Related Products:

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ISCM-0380, ISCM-0385




monitoring gateways, vibration measurement devices, vibration sensors, adding devices, adding endpoints


This article describes wireless gateways and devices, how to add wireless monitoring devices, and how to acquire data for wireless devices.

Wireless Gateways and Devices

Wireless gateways, wireless monitoring devices, and wireless vibration sensors eliminate the need for extensive wiring by using wireless technology to transmit equipment data to the InsightCM server for analysis while maintaining high levels of data acquisition.

Wireless Monitoring Gateways

A MON-10496 is a wireless gateway device that sends data to the server and receives data from endpoints. Endpoints are wireless devices and wireless sensors that communicate data to the MON-10496.


Environmental factors—such as physical obstruction and severe weather—can affect the performance of the wireless gateway and wireless monitoring device. Configurable factors—such as frequency and size of data collections—can also affect the performance of the wireless monitoring gateway, the wireless device, and the wireless sensor.

The endpoint is configured from the MON-10496's Device Configuration page and is added with an association to an equipment asset.


Wireless Vibration Measurement Devices

A MON-10467 is a wireless vibration measurement device that sends data wirelessly to the MON-10496 and can be configured with the following sensors:

  • Accelerometer

  • Displacement

  • Tachometer

  • Velocity

  • Static voltage


Wireless Vibration Sensors

A MON-10411 is a wireless vibration sensor that sends data wirelessly to the MON-10496 and has the following built-in sensors:

  • Three Accelerometers

  • Wireless Temperature


Adding Wireless Monitoring Devices and Endpoints

Add a wireless monitoring device and an endpoint to the InsightCM server.

  1. Click the Configuration pull-down (noloc_env_config.png) and select Devices.

  2. Click the Add button.

  3. In the New Device dialog box, you can add a device in two ways.



    Connect to an online device

    1. If you do not know the IP address of your device but it is online, select Connect to an online device and click Browse to see a list of devices on the same subnet as the server machine.

    2. Select a device from the Subnet Devices dialog box and click OK.

    3. Click Connect and the web application will automatically perform tests to verify the device IP address, firmware, connection, and hardware.


      • In the Testing Connection dialog box, you can see the results of testing and information about how to resolve any issues.

      • You can continue to add an online device without resolving failed checks if the device passes the IP address check.

    4. Click OK.

    5. Select the wireless device type from the Device Type pull-down.

    6. Configure the slots as needed to match the module configuration on your physical device.

    7. Click Next.

    8. Give the device a descriptive name in the Device Name text field.

    Connect to an offline device

    1. If your device is offline, ensure that the Connect to an offline device option is selected and click Next.

    2. Select your device type from the Device Type pull-down.

    3. Configure the slots as needed to match the module configuration on your physical device.


      If you need to update the module configuration in the web application at a later time, navigate to the Hardware tab of the specific device's configuration page.

    4. Click Next.

    5. Give the device a descriptive name in the Device Name text field.

    6. Once you have added an offline device, transfer a connection file to your offline device.

  4. Click OK and you will be automatically redirected to the Endpoints tab of the wireless monitoring device's configuration page.

  5. Click Add pull-down menu and select Offline to add the endpoint as an offline device.


    If the endpoint is powered and within range of the wireless monitoring device, click Add to have your wireless monitoring device discover the endpoint.

  6. Enter the serial number of your endpoint, designate the endpoint type as Wireless Sensor for a MON-10411 or Wireless Device for a MON-10467, and click OK.

  7. In the Select Wireless Equipment dialog box, select a wireless equipment asset to associate the wireless device endpoint with and click OK to add your endpoint.


    To change the asset endpoint associates with, be sure to remove the endpoint from its current asset before adding it to the new one.

  8. Use the pull-down under Channel in the Endpoint configuration panel to assign which channels from the wireless gateway correspond to each sensor associated with the equipment.


    If you have added more than one endpoint, you may need to resolve the collection time schedule by clicking Schedule and then Resolve All. If you do not resolve the collection time, wireless endpoints will spend additional time communicating with the gateway, which decreases endpoint battery life.

Now you have successfully added a wireless monitoring device and an endpoint to your InsightCM server. Wireless devices default to having one collection time. You can reconfigure collection time in the Collection tab of the wireless equipment's configuration panel.

Acquiring Data for Wireless Devices

When the wireless gateway is online with all endpoints mapped to sensor assets, you can test your wireless device's ability to acquire data. Automatic acquisitions occur periodically, but you can force an acquisition at any time by using Force Trigger.

Complete the following steps to acquire data from one of your endpoints.


Acquiring data from all of a device's endpoints can create network congestion.

  1. Click the Data Viewer (noloc_env_dataviewer.png) button.

  2. Expand one of the wirelessly monitored equipment assets, select a sensor asset, and then select one of the features. By selecting a feature, you activate the Trend viewer chart.

  3. In the Trend viewer chart, click the Action menu (noloc_env_action.png) and select Force Trigger to acquire data from the endpoint mapped to this equipment asset.

  4. Wait several seconds for the acquisition to complete and click the Refresh button to confirm that your device received new data points.


    If you force an acquisition for all endpoints, it could take several minutes for the wireless gateway to complete the acquisition.

  5. Repeat the force acquisition several times to acquire multiple data sets.

  6. Select a feature level asset for a different equipment asset to confirm in the Trend viewer chart not yet populated with new data.


    Before the data is available, devices must finish performing the acquisition and the InsightCM server must receive and store the data. You can change the duration of force-triggered acquisitions on the Operating States tab for the equipment being monitored on the Asset Configuration page.

For a complete list of ways you can configure a device to perform acquisitions, refer to Methods for Initiating Device Acquisitions.

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