Configure the Flux and Load Channels

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flux channels, load channels


Describes how to set up the load and flux channels in the host application's settings window

Configure the Flux and Load Channels

On the Acquisitions tab of the Systems dialog, you set up the flux voltage channel and the load 4-20 mA current channel. The table on the left sets up individual channels while the fields on the right apply to all channels.


Complete these steps:

  1. On the Host app screen, click the Settings button.

  2. In the Channel Name column, enter a unique name for the channel being monitored.

  3. In the Units column, enter V (Voltage) for flux channels or mA (milliamps) for load current channels.

  4. In the Scale and Offset columns, enter the calibration adjustments for the incoming signal so that the value used in calculations equals:

    (Scale * Measured) + Offset

  5. In the Sample Rate field, enter the rate at which the signal being tested is acquired.

  6. In the Update Interval field, set how often flux signals are acquired.

  7. In the Cycles to Acquire field, set the number of cycles the channel must complete before acquiring data. This value must be at least three. Larger values (more than three plus the number of poles) can help locate the flux signal cycle in noisy data.

  8. Click OK to close the Settings dialog.

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