Viewing Trend and Spectrum Data | InsightCM

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Trend Data, Spectrum Data


Describes how to access the data viewer to enable the viewing of trend and spectrum data

Access the Data Viewer

  1. Click the Data icon on top of the Dashboard screen to access the Monitoring screen.

  2. When the Asset tree view opens, navigate to EMI to see the assets currently being monitored by InsightCM.

    In this example, InsightCM is set up to monitor a whole plant of instrumentation. If you are only monitoring a single instance of EMI or Rotor Flux Monitoring, the Asset tree will be much smaller.

  3. When the Data viewer first opens, it will most likely have three graphs showing - one top large graph and two smaller graphs on the second level.

  4. To set the layout for EMI Monitoring, go to the upper-right portion of the screen and click on the four-squared icon.

  5. Select EMSA Layout. Once you have the tree expanded, select the trend parameter(s) you wish to view.


Viewing Spectrum Data

In order for the spectrum to show up in the lower window of the EMI Spectrum view you must select a date in the upper trend window. Once a date is selected, the selected trend spectrums appear in the bottom window.


Only one spectrum appears if one trend parameter is selected. Multiple spectrums appear if more than one trend parameter is selected.

The whole spectrum from 30 kHz to 100 MHz is in the lower viewing window even if the trend parameter selected is a subset of the full spectrum.

You can perform the following actions on this screen:

  • If you have a baseline data date selected, click the Show Baselines icon (A) on the lower graph and compare any selected spectrum to the baseline spectrum.

  • To view multiple spectrums together, open a second graph (usually in the lower level) and click the Waterfall Chart icon (B). This view shows multiple days (user selectable number) in a 3D graph to allow comparison of spectrums of the same component for multiple days.

  • To compare spectrum of random dates, you need to download the data events to the user’s computer and compare in an external program (such as EXCEL).


Viewing Trend Data

In the EMI layout, there are two open graphical windows. The top window shows 7 days of the feature parameter trend that you have selected from the asset tree on the left.

To show more trend information click on the clock next to 7 days and select the amount of data you wish to show (7 days, 30 days, 90 days, or Custom). If you click Custom Range, another window opens to allow you to enter the start and stop dates for the time you wish to view.


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